
11 Illustrations That Depict All Women as Warriors

Image Credit: Yael Nathan

You’ve probably heard the phrase “representation matters” in more than one sphere. What it means is that every person – no matter their size, shape, sexual orientation, hair color, age, religion, clothing – should be able to see themselves reflected back in the art we consume.

Artist and illustrator Yael Nathan is doing their part to bring the idea forward that any woman can be a warrior, and I just love these 11 perfect images.

11. Her colors and clothing choices are the cherry on top.

I want to know what she’s thinking.


10. She’s small, but she will eff you up.

So will her pig.


9. Some A++ side-eye.

I’m going to need to work on mine.


8. Everyone knows you don’t mess with redheads.

And redheads with curls? Forgetaboutit.


7. She can definitely bench press more than you.

And who knows what her other talents are besides?


6. You definitely want this woman on your team.

I bet she gives the best hugs, too.


5. Like she stepped right out of Wakanda.

That’s the biggest compliment I can imagine.


4. She will very casually mess you up.

And stub out her cigarette on your face.


3. A curvy warrior for the ages.

How pretty is this one?


2. If you think she looks sweet, just try her.

I wouldn’t though.


1. Okay, I truly love this.

I want to blow up a print for my wall.


I can’t pick a favorite, can you? They’re all so detailed and powerful!

If you can, tell me which one of these is your fave in the comments!