
12 Funny Tweets to Make You Holler

Are you ready to hoot and holler?

Well, I sure hope so, because if you aren’t, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Because we got the good stuff today, friends.

Enjoy these tweets!

1. They seem kinda clueless, huh?

Needs to be updated.

2. We get it.

No need to explain.

3. I’d like to thank you.

Who’s in charge here?

4. Nothing to worry about.

And nothing to see here…

5. That wasn’t nice!

They need to chill out.

6. This is amazing.

I’m gonna start calling them this.

7. There’s still time.

Well, maybe…

8. This is true.

I remember those dark days…

9. Will it work?!?!

One of life’s big questions.

10. Pretty much.

Meet the new person!

11. The stars aligned for him.

A lucky fella.

12. This is good!

You know you laughed!

Have you seen any funny tweets lately?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!