Spelling isn’t easy, and being able to do it well (or not) isn’t a sign of how smart a person is (though it could be an indication of how well they studied for those tests in school, or in my case, how many books they devoured as children).
That said, it can still be pretty darn funny when you realize someone has zero idea how to spell a word or phrase they’ve obviously only heard – and these 12 mistakes are downright hilarious.
12. Some people just cannot resist.
11. I’m not sure how that would work…
10. Smartass friends are the best friends.
Image Credit: Reddit
9. A real meeting of the minds.
8. How dare you talk about your eggs like that?!
7. We just call them Eggos.
6. That WOULD be a weird thing to smoke.
5. Where is their tent?
4. The first attempt was the best attempt.
3. No, tattoos do not cause diabetes.
Image Credit: Reddit
2. The gift that keeps on giving.
1. You can be a pedestrian right now!
I would have peed myself if any of these had been sent my way!
What’s the funniest spelling mistake you’ve ever encountered (or made yourself).