I have a lot of respect for people who can think outside the box. Sometimes we have to get creative in order to solve problems, but I don’t necessarily think that safety protocols should be the thing to go out the window in the name of progress.
These 12 people clearly don’t feel the same way, because they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done – maybe even take a trip to the hospital.
12. It’s one reason, anyway.
How many things could go wrong here?
11. It’s not about politics, my friends.
It’s just a plug, and this doesn’t work.
10. Those guys at the bottom are not paying attention.
I guess maybe they’re not worried.
9. This is actually pretty smart.
It’s a time-saver.
8. The rope-holder is just window dressing.
If s*%t goes down, that man is going down, too.
7. Whyyyyyy would anyone need this there?
To charge their phones?
6. That eyepatch is half a hero, anyway.
I am wincing just imaging what could happen.
5. This can’t be for real.
You don’t need to be an electrician to realize this is a no-no.
4. It’s like they’ve never even seen Fargo.
That was a cautionary tale, my friends.
3. How much pressure do you think that is?
Is he hoping to write a review on Amazon for those boots?
2. You don’t want to stand there.
I don’t care how trusting you are.
1. Oh my god that top one.
Someone is about to get squashed.
People never cease to surprise me, and not always in a good way.
Have you ever seen someone needlessly risking their lives? Tell us about it in the comments!