There are all sizes of loopholes in the world, I think – big, small, in between – and ones that can have a huge impact on the people who find them…or really small ones.
Most of us are willing to bend the rules in some circumstances, though, it’s just a question of how far and how big you’re willing to go.
These 12 people gave no f**ks about your rules, and honestly, it’s sometimes hard to blame them.
12. How do they live with themselves?
Also, man he’s got some good medication.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
11. Don’t expect your sub to be a full 12 inches.
That’s not what “footlong” means at Subway, friends.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
10. If they’re not human, what are they?
A question for the ages, my friends.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
9. I am doing a slow-clap.
Just put your minds to it, friends.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
8. Who made this rule to begin with?
I mean I think we know the answer to that.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
7. This one of the best drawings I’ve seen.
I need this framed, to be honest.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
6. Not technically sugar free.
There are so many “rules” like this one that are so arbitrary.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
5. The more you know…
The oldest profession in the world.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
4. Ooh I don’t know how I feel about this.
I do slip into my Cons, though…

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
3. I really just need to know the reason behind this law.
What is ungodly about ice cream sodas, people?

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
2. Everyone just played along.
I’ll show myself out.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
1. Michelle Obama to the rescue.
Ketchup is not a vegetable, my friends.

Image Credit: Ebaum’s World
I had no idea about most of these, to be honest.
What’s the craziest loophole you’ve ever stumbled across? We want to hear about it in the comments!