
13 Grocery Store Interactions You’ll Be Glad Didn’t Happen to You

Anytime we’re in a space with other human beings we don’t know, there’s the potential for an awkward interaction or confrontation.

Maybe you’ve never had an awkward or embarrassing moment in the grocery store, but these 13 people definitely have – and after reading through them, you’ll be so, so happy you’ve escaped all of those trips unscathed.

13. I just cringed.

Proudly saying ¨i will pay for it ¨. but came up short $5


12. Her mom probably was mortified, too.

When I was ten, I was dancing in a trader joe’s and I crashed into a huge tower of pre-made coffee jugs. I wasn’t hurt, and nor was the coffee, but my dignity is another story…

11. So many kids have these stories!

9yo me went to the grocery store and there was a lady there who looked very much like a friend of ours.

I got excited and run up to her and hugged her.

She looked down at me and another girl she was with also looked strange at me.

I wished the floor would swallow me.

Apologized in a hurry and left.

10. That is just awful.

Frozen goods isle at Walmart.

Older gentleman opened the freezer cabinet, stuck his head in, proceeded to sneeze, closed up, and walked on about his business.

I chose to purchase my ice cream elsewhere that day.

9. Definite creeper vibes.

So there was a guy that I somehow kept coming across at every aisle. It was totally unexpected.

We were doing our respective shopping and unknowingly came across each other at every other aisle.

After 20 min of this, we crossed again in the Dairy section and he smiled at me. He was very cute so I smiled back. He let me go first for billing too. It felt like a movie and it was some kinda meet cute moment.

A week later he tries to get in touch on fb and Ig. It felt so weird because how did he find me? I blocked him and am very scared to even make eye contact with strangers at any store I go.

8. Being a woman is hard.

Early 30’s, shopping at night. Guy asked me about cookies. Yup, fell right into it. Then he said he just wanted to ask me out. I told him I was in a relationship.

HE SAID HE DIDN’T CARE; my S/O didn’t have to know. I told him that I would know and NO, I would not go out with him.

I was so rattled that I left and paid without finishing my shopping. It creeped me out because it was so late at night. I never went shopping at night again.

7. Bless his heart.

I went to go pay for some items at the self checkout and my card wasn’t working so i tried multiple times and the cashier at one of the stands was like sir is this your card?

and i just stood there being like uhhhhh yes? and so she called in security and i was just like i can pay cash and i am forever made fun of by everyone i know for that

6. A+ parenting.

I was 3 at the time and I saw some candy.

I picked it up but in my rush to catch up with my mom I put it in my pocket and ended up taking it home without paying.

When mom found out, she dragged me to the store and made me confess and return it.

5. Were there drugs involved?

I was on an aisle shopping when the store was pretty empty of customers and look up to see a giant walking “Twinkie the Kid” at the end of the aisle waving at me. Now that’s a huge costumed Twinkie in a cowboy hat & boots.

I wonder if I’ve lost my mind and desperately look around for anyone to verify what I’m seeing, but no one was in sight. I weakly waved back, and he walked off, never to be seen again.

I still picture some guy taking off the costume in the employee lounge, chuckling “Freaked another one out!”

4. The sound I just made.

I’m a teacher, so I often run into my students or their families in the grocery store. As I was walking up and down aisles in the grocery store, I passed a guy, who I recognized from a parent-teacher conference.

He kept staring at me. Finally, he stopped and said, “You look so familiar. Where do I know you from?” I often refer to my students as “my kids,” so I replied, “I think you’re one of my kids’ dads.”

To which he responded, “No. You’re very beautiful. I think I would remember f***ing you.”

It took me a few minutes to recover from that.

3. Double whammy.

This happened about a year or two ago.

I saw the back of my friend Rowan at the produce aisle and I ran over and whacked him on the back of the head (because that’s how we greet each other lol).

When he turned around, it wasn’t Rowan.

It was my teacher. (Rowan’s like 6 feet tall oof)

2. What else are parents for?

As the proud new manager of a grocery store, my son led me on a tour, taking me to see the new display of bulk candy in the middle of the store. As he talked and laughed in excitement, he popped a red and white mint into his mouth and immediately appeared to be choking.

When he couldn’t talk, I screamed for help and gave him the Heimlich maneuver. People came to our assistance while my son gestured that he was not choking, but couldn’t talk. One customer brought him coffee from the break room to “melt” the candy.

My son was completely embarrassed in front of his fellow employees that he was never choking at all, but had a muscle spasm in his throat when he propelled the large candy into his mouth and it slid down his esophagus! He was completely humiliated by my screaming for help!

1. Trip on me once…

I brought down a police officer.

I was leaving the shop with three bags and managed to miss the top step of the stairs (not even 1 meter drop). Shopping bags tearing at my arms, I fell forward and right into a tall guy who had a coffee in hand and wore a vest with giant letters saying POLIZEI. Me and my shopping bags knocked him straight down and landed on top of him. Needless to say, his coffee was gone and I was mortified.

is colleagues helped us up, we were both ok. I offered new coffee and his colleagues teased him about his non-existent reflexes and that he should maybe return to the car instead of raiding the nearby metro station.

Worst part: I saw him again a few days later. I was walking down the steps to the metro station and he was coming up. When he spotted me, he changed sides and hold his coffee with both hands.

I am secondhand dying, y’all.

If you’ve got a similar story you could share, please regale us in the comments!