
13 People on When They Started Living for Sleep Instead of Tomorrow

Becoming an adult is no joke, and it seems as if there are some times in life – usually in transition periods – when people really start to question whether or not live in general really means much of anything in the long run.

What is life without a few existential crises, am I right?

These 13 people are recalling the moments in life when they couldn’t wait to sleep because of what was on tap for the next day…and the times when they woke up thinking about when they would be able to go back to sleep.

13. Growing up is hard to do.

once you go to middle school. middle school is way more stressful than primary school, because suddenly you have a bunch of homework and everything is way harder.

also your peers start to be total a$$holes on purpose

12. You have to figure it out.

People don’t know how to transition to adult life and to make meaning for yourself. There’s no longer someone telling you, “This is what should make you feel good about life.”

I think if people grow up with oberbearing parents then it’s not an easy transition. I think parents that allow their kids some responsibilities and freedom of choice/repercussion will typically find this transition easier.

For pretty much the same reason you said, some times kids have had almost every decision made for them up til that point.

11. That’s a good day.

Mine went the other way when I stopped drinking ! Not waking up hungover is exciting haha

10. Find some space to breathe.

Probably during university, I had lectures, revision, working a job and somehow trying to have a social life.

It was then hectic for a few years following university until I eventually just accepted i was burnt out and gave myself more downtime. I feel its much better now.

9. Something to aspire to.

Not yet.

I’m 63 and still happy every morning because it means I have another day. If you’re tired just make yourself get out of bed, brush your teeth, get dressed, and go about your day. Usually it’ll be better than you feared when you didn’t want to get out of bed.

8. Some people it hurts to lose more than others.

When my great grandma passed away.

7. What about your birthday?

I think the only time I ever was “I can’t wait for tomorrow” was when I was little and wanted Christmas Day/Santa…

6. What a ray of sunshine.

When we realized dreams are bullshit, life sucks, people in general are terrible, and things will not get better, they only become gradually worse.

5. Ain’t love grand.

Whenever my partner gets home from a month away at work. Everytime he gets home, I have plans of giving myself a facial, shaving my legs and getting a good night sleep.

I do all of those things except the last one, cause I’m so excited to see him.

Lucky he still loves me when my face looks like a butthole.

4. Damn the man.

Around the same time capitalism went from ‘work hard and you too can be rich’ to ‘work yourself to the bone and you might be able to survive another week.’

3. Family is everything.

When I stopped sharing things with my friends and family.

Something bad happened to me and I shared it with all my dear ones. Not only they didn’t gave a damn but also they thought I am seeking attention cause “it is normal”.

2. Life is full of ups and downs.

Honestly? During my twenties I was deeply depressed, so that was a brief time it happened. Then I met my fiance, and I was always excited to get to tomorrow. We live together now. But this year has been… I don’t know.

He and I are doing fantastically, but I feel like there is no hope and I genuinely just want to stop existing, or jump ahead, or SOMETHING. It’s difficult to picture and plan for a future when it feels like everything is so uncertain.

1. On an even keel.

I don’t have this feeling anymore since I started taking care of my mental health (medication, meditation, exercising, trying to eat a healthy meal, setting a sleep schedule, and no devices before bed).

I was definitely in this mindset during undergrad and grad school, but I think something changed this year when I started doing things I like again, like knitting, painting, dancing, and all of this is outside my work hours.

It’s a tough spot to be in, but I wholeheartedly believe we can get out of the rut. We just have to find the help we need.

I have to say, whichever stage you’re in, you have to know that the other one will come back around – if being a parent has taught me anything it’s that life is nothing but a bunch of stages.

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