Laughter is the best medicine, after all. And since we don’t have any actual medicine for this virus (yet), we might as well deploy a little humor!
Sure, it won’t cure COVID-19, but it might alleviate some of the stir-crazy symptoms of being stuck at home, don’t you think?
If you agree, give these 14 coronavirus jokes a go.
14. So accurate it burns.
13. I’m not sure that’s going to help.
12. No reason to panic, right?
11. This is such a human response.
10. We’re definitely not there yet, Timmy.
9. They’ve trained for this!
8. How can this be?!
7. A gag gift no longer!
Got this big roll of toilet paper as a gag gift for Christmas. Whose laughing now!?
byu/Mikebenitez10 infunny
6. And no, we don’t blame them.
5. I have no idea why this is so funny.
4. It’s a sad state of affairs.
3. Where’s the lie?
Does anyone know else want some Corona
byu/DatBoyPrson intechnicallythetruth
2. There is not enough hand cream in the world.
1. Everyone ELSE just needs to GO HOME.
I definitely feel a little bit better. If nothing else, the reminder that we’re all in this together is appreciated!
What’s your favorite joke or meme about COVID-19?
We’d love to hear it in the comments!