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It seems that I can’t get enough of the weird jokes that proliferate on the Internet. If it makes me snort, I’m in. Nevermind if it’s nerdy, geeky, some combination of the two, or just downright silly. If it’s odd and it has me in an unexpected fit of giggles, I’m fine with letting my freak flag fly.
If you are too, then unfurl it and let’s go!
14. Accurate
13. So bad it’s good
12. I’m pretty sure that’s right
11. Hey, you gotta do you
10. You have to give her points for originality
9. I’ll have what she’s having. Ha!
8. Nailing the tarot thing
7. Baby got basement
6. *snerk*
5. Pay no attention to the man with the feathers…
4. Best
3. Nerds are the besssttttt
2. Can. Not. Unsee.
1. Thank goodness someone finally stepped up to the plate!
(h/t: Buzzfeed)
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