
14 People Talk About How They Remind Themselves That Everything Isn’t All Bad

©Unsplash,Matthew Bennett

Life is very tough and anything but enjoyable right now.

We’re stuck in our houses and apartments. The news is awful every day, and people are struggling in a major way.

But, despite all that, there are things that keep us going and remind us that not everything is bad out there in the world.

These folks on AskReddit had a lot of great and profound things to say.

1. Look to the young ones.

“My youngest daughter Emma. She is 1 1/2 years old and just knows how to enjoy every second of life. She wakes with a smile and goes to bed grinning while holding her Winnie the Pooh.

She falls while walking and just dusts herself off and keeps going. Every time she hears a motorcycle she says, “Ooooooo” and then “vroom vroom.” (while signing motorcycle).”

2. A good role model.

“My mom, she died from cancer at the age of 48 while my sister was addicted to Heroin, my Dad was cheating on her and was going through bankruptcy, regardless she still showed people so much kindness and was a fantastic woman who was always smiling.

I have depression and my life isn’t so great right now but I always tell myself that it can get better and that if my mom could live day to day with a smile on her face so can I and I feel more people going through a terrible time can really use an example like her to at least give them a little push in the right direction.”

3. You did a great job!

“I look at my adult kids. They are happy, successful adults.

Makes me feel satisfied that I did a good job as mom.”

4. Every day is a gift.

“I am in no way a badass and in no way am I score boarding anybody.

Got mortared a few times in Afghanistan. After that, you come to realize that every day above ground is a gift.”

5. This works for me, too.

“I go for a walk.

Sometimes a little sunshine will help ease my anxiety.”

6. It’s true.

“Remembering that statistically speaking, we live in the most peaceful and prosperous time in history, average lifespan is the longest it’s ever been, and the world is slowly yet constantly getting better for everyone regardless of situation.

It may not always look that way, but on average it is true.”

7. Lessons from boot camp.

“In boot camp our drill sergeant told us, “It doesn’t get easier, you get better.”

It’s not what everyone needs to hear all the time, but by golly it’s gotten me though some rough patches.”

8. He’s my rock.

“I got a 4 year old that thinks Im the coolest dad ever. I feel like breaking down all the time, but I couldnt do that to him. Im his rock, but really, he’s mine.”

9. They are the best.

“Just the fact that dogs exist. They are these animals that are about as perfect as a creature can get.

A dog will never cheat on you, it’ll never cut you off in traffic and give you the finger, it’ll never pass you over for that promotion, it’ll never make fun of your weight.

Your dog thinks you look fantastic in that outfit that you bought but were kinda nervous to wear because it’s not your usual look.

Dogs are the best.”

10. That one moment.

“A couple years ago my family was living on a couple acres in a 5 bedroom 3 bath house. Doing very well. I lost my job and we had to move.

We rented a one bedroom. I hated it and felt like a failure. On the day we were moving in I asked my then 7 year old son if he liked our new house. He ran to the bedroom and back, looked right at me with a smile and said, “it’s perfect.”

I think about that moment a lot.”

11. This sounds nice.

“I live in California and am fortunate enough to live 5 mins away from some very beautiful hills and mountains. I dont bring my phone, my wallet, or anything. (Maybe a water bottle at the most) When I am overwhelmed I try to disconnect from everyone and everything.

I hike up, stand at a high place and look at the whole city of human beings down below. All the cars, highways, buildings,etc. Sometimes I go in the middle of the night. Sometimes I go in the morning.

Every time I feel like my life isnt worth it anymore and I go through my suicidal thoughts I just go THERE and somehow on the way back down everything isn’t so bad anymore.”

12. Focus on the positive.

“Lack of money isn’t that big of a deal.

I remember that I have my health, a job I enjoy, and a partner that appreciates me.”

13. Always smiling.

“I volunteered in a Balinese orphanage while in college. Those kids had nothing.

No family, no means, yet always had the biggest smile. I always think of them.”

14. This too shall pass.

“I think of how insignificant I am. Not trying to be edgy it works for me.

Like thinking of how small I am in the world and my problems aren’t that bad and they’ll pass.”

Remember: stay positive and help out your family, friends, and neighbors as much as possible during this tough time.

Talk to us in the comments!

What are you doing to remind yourself that everything isn’t all bad?