
15 Acts of Vandalism That Were Pretty Darn Genius


Not all graffiti has to be huge, intrusive, offensive, or ugly. There’s a way to do a little bit here and a little bit there so it can be classified as “genius vandalism.”

And I think we can all agree that these examples fall into that category, and, frankly, they are just too funny for anyone to get into trouble for.

Take a look.

1. All it needed was a pair of eyes.

Oh my… imagine encountering THAT at night. Holy s**t!

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2. Is that the Empire State Building?

They’re serving it up, and I’m eating it up.

Mini Kong.
byu/SmileyFace-_- inpics

3. That is very impressive.

And it’s by nature’s own design.

byu/IgorZelenov inpics

4. This guy doesn’t look thrilled about it.

I mean, he is wearing a sword, but you never know. He might f**k with yo-yos.

Subtle yoyo vandalism
byu/GallowBoob inpics

5. Marge’s hair is large and in charge.

Oh… I love this so much. Hilarious.

Whoever did this deserves a fucking beer
byu/GallowBoob inpics

6. Time for a shave.

What else would you have done? It’s so obvious!

Sculpture hack.
byu/SirJukesALot infunny

7. Be careful out there…

Drop in, bruh!

byu/ColourScientist inpics

8. I sure am…

Oh Pepe… you’ve been so misunderstood.

Aren’t we all?
byu/_D4Z3_ infunny

9. Goats Butter!

I can’t believe somebody actually noticed this. And, I love them for it.

If There’s Something Strange, In Your Neighborhood
byu/Shadrach451 inMildlyVandalised

10. Someone went to a lot of work printing those stickers.

All those bills are living their best lives!

No bills
byu/ZadocPaet inMildlyVandalised

11. That is good advice.

I mean… if you have enough elevators? Would that do it?

What a great life hack!
byu/Bierrr infunny

12. Uh oh…now what?

That’s a hilarious mural. You know that’s on purpose, right?

byu/ZadocPaet inMildlyVandalised

13. Got a little too wasted.

Poor moves.

14. That looks cool.

I am so impressed by this!

Creative painting on barrier bars
byu/juzodagup inpics

15. There’s the culprit.

There’s the little red devil!

Those are really impressive!

Have you seen some good examples out and about in your town?

If so, share them in the comments so we can all see these unique works of art.