
15 Famous People Who You Might Not Recognize from Their Younger Days

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We know what all today’s Hollywood heartthrobs looked like when they were younger because mostly of them have literally grown up before our eyes on the screen, in the tabloids, and on social media.

Ryan Reynolds anyone?

What a cutie!

But what about the older folks who paved the way? You know… those people we like to call “Boomers.”

Yeah, they’re not ALL bad, and they do have some really FIRE looks back in the day, so let’s take a look at what some iconic celebrities looked like when they were much, much younger.

Here we go!

1. Dr. Phil

Long before he had a horribly bad talk show and was dispensing garbage advice.

2. Ian McKellen

He’s always had “it.”

3. Patrick Stewart

What a sweetheart!

4. James Earl Jones

He always had that voice, though!

5. Christopher Walken

Wow Chris… look at them hairs!

6. Helen Mirren

Oh my my my my my my.

7. Bill Gates

So… what did he get arrested for?

8. Dolly Parton

She will always and forever be the cutest EVER!

9. Bernie Sanders

Political Science? You don’t say!

10. Willie Nelson

Long before he became the weediest musician ever?

11. David Letterman

That tooth gap, though!

12. Diane Keaton

What a beauty!

13. Morgan Freeman

He was actually in the Air Force. Guy looks good in uniform!

Those are kind of wild!

Helen Mirren, amirite? Yowzaa! And how cute was Morgan Freeman. For reals.

Which one surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!