
15 Folks Talk About the Strategies They Use to Address Sadness

I think it’s beginning to change, but there has been a stigma around depression and mental illness that makes people ashamed of having to deal with it. And many folks go to the point of hiding it as well…

But as attitudes toward dealing with depression change, folks can learn a lot from each other about different strategies and how to cope on a day-to-day basis.

People on AskReddit talked about how they deal with their depression.

1. Dogs help a lot.

“Petting my emotional support beagle, Athena.

It just makes me feel so peaceful and content with life.

I feel like I’m living, which is a good thing.”

2. Small steps.

“Severe depression sucks energy, so I progress in small steps. When I got severely depressed this year, my boss told me to take time off.

I didn’t want to be cut off from my lovely colleagues (we all work from home during the pandemic), so I insisted on building up to full-time work. I started with 1 hour that day, then added extra time each day.

It made me feel useful, which raised my spirits. I was working full-time after 2 weeks.”

3. A quiet place.

“My answer to I deal with my depression is I go outside, find a quiet place to just sit.

And then I just scream my head off. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it actually works!”

4. Communication is key.

“I make sure my partner knows that I am having a rough time so we won’t inadvertently get into an argument b/c I’m extra emotional.

My partner makes sure I have taken my medication and offers me more if it’s needed.”

5. I guess it works?

“I take a shower and blast my music when I get back to my room.

And then I eat and eat and then feel bad bc I think I’m fat.”

6. Humor works.

“Well a way I cope with my depression is kind of just laughing it off.

I like to make lots of jokes and just put a smile on peoples faces and it sometimes helps a lot.

Or I just listen to music and sometimes make my own.”

7. Getting fancy.

“I take a shower, wash my hair carefully using scented products. I get dressed and put make up. Even if I’m staying home because I feel too tired or anxious. Feeling clean, smelling good and seeing my face taken care of makes me feel more human.

If the day is going to be hard or I am scared because of something, I use red lipstick. Is like wearing a shield to protect my vulnerability. And snuggling with my cats, makes me feel unconditionally loved and reminds me that I am able to love.”

8. It will pass.

“I try to remember that it might take time but will pass, and there are people out there who are having a hard time to.

I also like to smile and say a simple hello to random people. You never know, that random act may change their lives in a moment.”

9. Curl up.

“Curling up on the couch with my cat and three dogs while trying to work on my crochet projects.

I love making ripple afghans because having to count each stitch up and down relaxes me.

It’s so soothing sometimes that I actually fall asleep while crocheting!”

10. Nice and simple.

“When i was depressed I talked to my friends  a lot and that helped.

I also watched lots of funny videos to make myself laugh.”

11. Reading is good.


I find some good books and immerse myself in it. You just have to find the right theme that works for you. Mostly adventure-fantasy, historical fiction and comedy does it for me.

Oh and some really really good music in the background.”

12. Good tips.

“Usually giving a huge hug to my dog, going out to the beach or into the forest and trying to take in nature to forget about my troubles for a little bit.

Or lastly, cook a comforting meal with my wife and just talk it over with her.”

13. Keep that in mind.

“Never forget that there are people out there who care about you.”

14. Get creative.

“I sing. I get anxious a lot and have problems because of it. But when I sing I feel like all my problems are gone.

Also, I read! When I read I’m not me anymore, I’m the book character and that takes all my problems away.”

15. It eventually goes away.

“Weirdly enough, I don’t fight it, I let it sink in until it’s past its prime, then it’ll fade away. I think my depression is not that bad.

Often, I have these suicidal thoughts. Of course I don’t act on them, I have a loving family who would be devastated if I ever did so. But sometimes when it’s overbearing, I would go to online support groups and read others’ stories, or do a research about the best way to kill myself and take notes.

Then I go to bed and the next day I’m happy again. I don’t know how it works but it works.”

Now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us how you deal with depression.

Thanks in advance!