If you think that a majority of people in America have a decent grasp on the historical events that have gotten us to this point, well…I’m very sorry to have to disappoint you on that topic.
We all took those history classes in school, but if your education was anything like mine, a disturbing number of them were taught by coaches who couldn’t have cared less.
Now, I’m not saying sticking all of the male coaches who aren’t interested in teaching in the history department is having dire consequences, but I am saying these 15 comebacks wouldn’t have been necessary if we’d all learned a thing or two in class.
15. “Uninhabited wastelands” what.
Talk about rewriting history!
14. I mean…
This original take is some bulls*%t.
13. Actually, it was.
They were a minority for a long time, too.
AmeRicA WaS nOT StArtEd by PrOtesToRS!
byu/PhaedrusZenn inMurderedByWords
12. Everyone knew the world was round.
That’s not a thing.
Murdered By Words: Indigenous Peoples’ Day Edition?
byu/NobleOodfellow inMurderedByWords
11. Well this is awkward.
Not that she’ll apologize.
10. One of these things is not like the other.
Even though people keep trying to make them the same.
Gotta love it when people don’t know their own history
byu/Arcanadian inclevercomebacks
9. You’re really just cleaning up your own mess.
And not very well, I might add.
We gave women the right to vote. We ended slavery. I don’t want to hear about “privilege.”
byu/godsafraud inMurderedByWords
8. It all comes back to slavery.
Don’t fool yourself thinking it wasn’t.
A post criticising people who claim the south had a noble cause in the American Civil War, and just like clockwork…
byu/CPUtron inMurderedByWords
7. There actually is precedence.
In the most OG possible way.

Image Credit: Twitter
6. With the receipts.
There are so many of them, too.
Murdered By Facts
byu/WonderfulYoghurt3197 inMurderedByWords
5. It’s not subtle, but…
It’s also a fair assessment.
Why don’t native Americans speak Spanish?
byu/godsafraud inMurderedByWords
4. At least they said please.
That’s nicer than some people would have been. Including me.
3. These are just facts.
Not that that stops people from arguing.
Trumps America, far more dangerous than anything previous……………………What is happening now is Trumps America, and he has f—– it up pretty big time.
byu/Comfortablejack inclevercomebacks
2. It’s funny and it’s accurate.
Doesn’t get much better than that.
1. Don’t even get us started on Columbus.
Seriously, we don’t have all day.
Christopher Columbus was a genocidal maniac.
byu/Alex45784 inMurderedByWords
Y’all. These comebacks are great but the original comments? Woof.
Have you had a great comeback to pure ignorance? If so, we’d love to pat you on the back in the comments!