Yesterday we featured some creative and clever homemade Halloween costumes made by overachievers. Today, we’re featuring the opposite: costumes that someone clearly threw together at the very last minute. The kind of costume you get when you forget it’s Halloween and grab whatever’s available.
A few of these costumes have the sort of simple charm that makes people regret spending $400 on their ultra-realistic Voldemort costume. But most are laughably awful, not even worthy of an honorable mention in a costume contest.
Hey, I don’t judge. This will absolutely be me in a couple weeks.
1. Candy “Rappers”
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Get it?! Because “rappers” rhymes with “wrappers”! Not only does this costume involve wordplay, it gives you an excuse to scarf down 50 pieces of candy in one sitting.
2. 50 Shades of Grey
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Minimal effort, minimal hassle. Unless you count the fight with the Home Depot guy for taking too many paint samples.
3. Salt and Pepper
This is the sort of costume that will have everyone at the party coming up to you and asking what the hell it is. Are you guys…Salmonella and Puberty?
4. Pigs in a Blanket
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Not bad!
5. Identity Thief
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Is she an identity thief, or is she a woman with 14 different personalities? Either way: fun!
6. Weatherman in a hurricane.
Partly cloudy with a chance of SUCCESS!
7. God’s gift to men/women.
Photo Credit: call_me_ak
Hopefully men/women kept the receipt.
8. American tourists.
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Does Paris have a TGI Friday’s? These two know!
9. Audrey Hepburn
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
A great way to reuse that dress from your great aunt’s funeral.
10. Rosie the Riveter
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Easy! All you need is a denim shirt, a bandana, and a can-do attitude.
11. Red Box movie rentals
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
This costume’s cheap, easy, and requires no planning whatsoever–just like renting from Red Box!
12. When life gives you lemons…hold up the lemons and shrug?
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Is she supposed to be the entire saying, or is she supposed to be life itself, about to give someone lemons? I’m confused. D minus.
13. Ariel from The Little Mermaid, moments after arriving on land.
Photo Credit: @sweetchloroform on Instagram,
Nice and simple. Just make sure you wash your bedsheet first.
14. A ceiling “fan”
Photo Credit: taytadz
2018 Inductee into the Groaner Hall of Fame.
15. Error 404: Costume Not Found
Photo Credit: Bloomjoy Collective
Fellow procrastinators, we’ve found our patron saint.
h/t: Bloomjoy Collective and Pop Sugar