
15 People Discuss Huge Trends That Are Now Mostly Forgotten

I’m probably aging myself a little bit here, but I remember some of the things that were really popular among kids when I was in middle school and they’re now GONE…

And mostly forgotten…

I’m talking about HyperColor t-shirts, people wearing overalls with one strap hanging off to the side, and maybe the most embarrassing trend that I can recall from my childhood…when people wore their clothes backward because of the success of Kriss Kross.

It wasn’t a great time for popular culture…or was it…?

AskReddit users discussed trends that were hugely popular that are now mostly forgotten.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Do you remember?

“That whole hipster trend between 2013-2016…

Coffee shops having a bike on the wall

Nashville filter on Instagram

Minimalism design everywhere.”

2. A classic.

“That thing from Malcolm in the Middle where you make a circle with your thumb and finger and hold it down low, and then if someone else looks at it, you get to punch them.”

3. I’m not sure this went away…

“There was that really weird time in the ’90s when grown men were wearing Tweety bird and Taz shirts.”

4. Bizarre.

“Remember in the early 2000s when everyone was getting their tongue split?

I wonder where those people are now.”

5. You did it, didn’t you?

“Gladiator sandals.

EVERYONE was wearing gladiator sandals for like a year in 2014ish and then they all just vanished without a trace.

Oh also the green puffer jackets of 2017. That trend was so strangely specific.”

6. Pencil wars.

“Playing pencils.

One kid held out his pencil, an end in each hand. His opponent would hit it with his own pencil. They take turns till one pencil breaks.

Those pencils with a bit of elasticity, like a certain faber castle were good for that game. One day, a kid brought in one of those jumbo pencils and destroyed us all.”

7. It was trendy.

“Bacon everything.

There was this one insane trend for awhile where you could buy anything in a bacon themed or even flavoured variety. T-shirts, toothpaste, yoghurt, energy drinks, gummy bears, and band aids just to name a few.

It was ridiculous, you couldn’t go anywhere without being battered by a blistering bu**ake of bacon.”

8. Oh, yeah.

“The Macarena.

If you are a millennial then the Macarena is synonymous with every single birthday party when you were a kid.”

9. I had one!

“Hypercolor shirts.

They changed colors when wet.”

10. Big for a while.

“I had coworkers who said in all seriousness, we collect Beanie Babies, it’s our retirement plan.

And then the bottom dropped out of the tulip frenzy and people started to use them to insulate the walls in the laundry room.”

11. All kinds of good stuff.

“Decoder Rings, Marbles, Jacks, Hula Hoops, Moon Boots, Super Soakers, Lazer Tag

Hypercolor, Reebok Pumps, LA Gear, British Knights, Bump-its, Perms

BetaMax, The Clapper, Power Glove, Radio Watches, PDAs, MP3 CDs, Zip Drives, Electronic Diaries

New Coke, Crystal Pepsi, Squeeze-Its, Dunkaroos, Green Ketchup.”

12. Pretty rare these days.


There was a time when you literally couldn’t walk on the trail because of them taking up the entire sidewalk. Can’t remember the last time I saw one.

Oh and adults on the non motorized scooters.”

13. Bring it back!


Like when was the last time you saw someone dabbing?”

14. HUGE.

“JNCO Jeans.

As a middle schooler, I rememeber being shocked at how expensive JNCO jeans were.

They couldn’t have been more than $60.00 but for a 7th grader that was so much money then. And JNCO + Plastic Vinyl airwalk skate shoes was my 1997.”

15. Hopefully it never comes back.

“I’m always surprised there hasn’t been any nostalgia for Limp Bizkit and that whole genre (rap metal?).

I mean, the music sucks, but that s**t was huge!”

Now we want to hear from you.

Tell us about more trends that used to be popular that are now mostly forgotten.

Thanks in advance!