15. Not feeling it

Photo Credit: Reddit
I feel you, kid. I hated picture day with a passion. My least favorite day of the year, and that included when they checked for lice.
At least one day he’ll have a laugh about it…maybe? Probably not.
16. Moneybags

Photo Credit: Imgur
They’re saving all that cash because they don’t have children, get it? GET IT? I have to admit, it is a pretty funny bumper sticker.
Let’s just go ahead and have a bumper sticker rant here, shall we? What are your least favorite? How do you feel about the people who put the marathon ones on their cars? I’ve been thinking about creating one that says “3 Blocks” to mock the good-looking, athletic types that can run a 10k without breaking a sweat. That’ll show ’em, right! Right?
Well, there goes that million dollar idea. On to the next bumper sticker idea, this one a new, radical take on the Volkswagen guy.
17. Mookie strikes again

Photo Credit: Imgur
Words of wisdom we can all learn from.
18. This will please Mom or Dad!

Photo Credit: Reddit
But seriously, what kind of sick person gives a gift like this? Not this guy, no way.
19. Zing!

Photo Credit: Reddit
This is what newspapers need more of these days. Also, I never new that a hood was called a “bonnet” in some places. The more you know…