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Growing up in a small town is very interesting. There’s not a lot to do, so you have to make your own fun. Everyone knows everyone else’s business, and gossip runs rampant.
But most people who grew up that way wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Here are 15 unmistakable signs that you grew up in a small town.
1. Friday Night Lights is a real thing

Photo Credit: Twitter
2. High school sports are the big news in town

Photo Credit: Twitter
3. You and your siblings (and sometimes your parents) all had the same teachers

Photo Credit: Twitter
4. Field party!

Photo Credit: Twitter
5. This made you late on numerous occasions

Photo Credit: Twitter
6. That’s the way it works

Photo Credit: Twitter
7. You sold a whole bunch of these

Photo Credit: Instagram
8. Your field trips consisted of this

Photo Credit: Instagram
9. Sometimes the Dairy Queen looked like this

Photo Credit: Instagram
10. There wasn’t much to do so you wandered out in the country a lot

Photo Credit: Instagram
11. You knew a lot of people in the FFA (Future Farmers of America)

Photo Credit: Instagram
12. Pickups were everywhere

Photo Credit: Instagram
13. The county/town fairs were a huge deal

Photo Credit: Instagram
14. But not too much freedom…

Photo Credit: Disney
15. The nearest shopping mall was FAR

Photo Credit: Google Maps
I guess John Mellencamp was right…