
16 People Describe the Most Passive Aggressive Act They’ve Ever Witnessed

Passive aggressive people are better than aggressive aggressive people, but I mean, it can still be pretty darn annoying when someone just won’t say what they want to say instead of being all underhanded about it.

When you witness a moment of true passive aggression it’s hard to miss – and there’s no way these 16 people could have blanked after seeing any one of these.

16. There is no other appropriate reaction.

I was both the victim and perpetrator of passive aggression at a coach station the other day.

Some old dude had a bag on the only available seat, so I smiled at him and politely asked if the seat was taken.

He gave me a death stare and said that it wasn’t taken, and so I waited for him to move his bag.

He didn’t.

He then said “well, sit there, then!” and I realised that he was so pissed off with me for having the audacity to ask him to move his bag off the seat that he expected me to move it for him. So I sat on the bag.

15. No smoothie for you!

This girl at my current job frequently makes smoothies for everyone in culinary who is on the shift at the time.

She won’t make smoothies for people she’s upset with.

So there’s times where she’s made smoothies for over five people and casually just doesn’t have one for the cook she has beef with.

14. Awful just to be awful.

After I graduated from college in 2006, the job market sucked, and I needed to move back in with my dad and his wife.

I wanted this to be as temporary an arrangement as possible. I was able to get a couple of jobs waiting tables, and soon after began paying rent. It was $500 a month, which was a little steep considering their rent was only $800 and I was trying to save to get the hell out of there. But whatever.

Anyway, my relationship with the wife deteriorated. Primarily because she’s a borderline personality. I was working a double shift at two different restaurants when she called to tell me that they wouldn’t be having dinner that night. I didn’t eat with them usually anyway, so ok.

I ended up getting cut early, and got home around 7, to find my stepmother had made like an entire pot roast dinner for the family. She never cooked like this, and we’re talking roasted potatoes, salad, green beans, the whole works. As I walked through the door, she was frantically trying to clear the table to put everything away before I saw it. My dad had this look of utter embarrassment and I just cheerfully sat down and ate my warmed over chicken sandwich as my dad and kid sister finished their little banquet.

She’d also get up at 6:30am to vacuum the downstairs floor (I stayed in the basement), after I worked double shifts and got home around 2am.

She’s an absolute horror of a human being.

13. That is quite a grudge.

I used to work with a girl who seemed like the nicest person you could meet.

After a while of working with her she told me she was hyper-spiritual and whenever someone was mean to her or didn’t do what she wanted she’d spend X amount of weeks “sending bad vibes at them” whenever they weren’t looking at her.

After she told me I started looking for it and surely enough, any time someone would turn around she’d crunch her face up into and anus shape and just look at that person until they turned back around.

12. This is next level and I approve.

I had a roommate that used my computer too much. I thought I’d be nice since it was the 90s and not everybody had a computer / internet, so I setup my computer in the living room and let people use it. She stopped going to class and just played video games all day. So I wrote a program that would randomly kill a process (except itself) every 15 minutes. I added it to run at startup. So she’d use my computer and it would randomly crash. I’d kill the process when I’d use it would be fine. She’d complain how unstable my computer was but I’d never see a problem. I think she eventually flunked out and moved out.

11. This chick has a few surprises coming her way.

last year i lived with three roommates. i provided all of the cookware and cooking utensils, and my only rule for other people using them was that they had to wash them when they were done. only one of them followed the rule, but it wasn’t super annoying i just dealt with it.

Then one day, someone used my pan to make a grilled cheese and burnt a bread shape into the bottom of the pan. they didn’t butter the f**king bread first like a whole dumba**.  The pan was not usable anymore, so i said in the group chat that i needed to be reimbursed for it or the person who did it should buy a new pan. my one roommate responded with “what you think you deserve isn’t always what you get, sweetheart. it’s called life.” so i took all of my cookware and utensils and kept them in a laundry basket in my room.

F**k that girl.

10. Is this kind of a sweet story or am I wrong?

Weed is legal now here in Canada but there is still a bit of red tape in some provinces. This meaning in places like Ontario any dispensaries can not operate legally until April 2019. In my city we had a raid on a dispensary after legalization. Any product they had could not be legally sold. However here you can legally gift someone weed as long as they are above the legal age. So they ran a can and coat drive for local charities and gave away free joins to people that donated. They literally gave away pounds (to many people) and got so many donations that they were asked not to collect any more coats.

Cops said they couldn’t sell their weed but it was perfectly legal to give away.

9. Okay but nobody blames these people.

Worked for a pair of patronizing scumbags at a franchised sandwich shop. Every month they held a mandatory meeting where they would grill us with dozens of basic questions about making sandwiches. We were required to answer in order to keep our jobs, and they asked each question sloooowwwly… with lots of, okay are you listening? rephrasing, so that our feeble minds could grasp the questions. As incentive, whenever we answered correctly, they would throw us a fun-sized candy.

We stopped catching the candy. Just let it bounce right off our stone-cold faces.

For months.

8. A note on the door? Really?

Kid’s mother didn’t want me to visit him when he was young.

Let me drive 110 miles to see him. She put a note on the door “Baby is sick, come back another time”.

Had to get a custody order to deal with this nut job.

7. You don’t mess with a woman’s coffee mug.

Something that I am currently doing: I work at a law firm and we live off coffee. I like having cute things around so I bought my own coffee mug that I liked and have been using it for more than a year at my office. Several months ago a new paralegal was hired and I started noticing that my mug was missing. Now, I don’t mind if someone uses my mug once in a while. All the mugs are kept together in the kitchen. It’s an unspoken rule that some people prefer certain mugs and we all tend to know who uses what. There are also a ton of simple mugs that everyone uses.

So, after two weeks without seeing my mug anywhere, I do a little snooping and find out that the new paralegal has been using it. Ok, fine. But even after mentioning how it was my mug that I bought, she still uses it. She’s a little on the weird side, but whatever. I decide that I’ll just make coffee a few minutes before she does, so that I’ll get the mug before her. That worked for a few days, in which she was very confused and complained to several people that mugs had started going missing. Then she starts getting to work early (by at least 20 minutes!) and making coffee first thing. By the time I got to the office the mug would be long gone.

This weekend I had to go into the office for something. The mug was in the kitchen. I took the mug. The mug is now in my desk drawer. The mug will stay in my desk drawer for several weeks, until the paralegal forgets about it and moves on. My pettiness makes me very happy. I have meanwhile bought a new mug that I’ve been using that she has yet to attempt to steal.

6. I imagine she didn’t last long.

When I worked as a tech writer, my company hired a bona fide sociopath (M) who quickly began jockeying to become the boss of me and the other writer there. At one point M suggested she should be the “editor” (i.e. do no real work and just critique ours) and my coworker pointed out I’d been an editor previously, so if anyone should do it I should. Later that day M requested my resume under the pretense that it would help us all become more familiar with each other.

We shut her nonsense down pretty well, but at one point M just up and printed out a document I’d written years ago and marked it up with red pen, apropos of nothing, and came over to my desk to talk about fixing the errors she found. It was the pettiest s**t I’d ever come across in the work world.

5. Make up your mind, lady!

She reported me for not smiling at her when I passed her in the hall.

A week later, she reported me for smiling at her as I passed her in the hall.

4. She thought a lot of her wafers.

Cousin and I have a long history of rivalry.

Some stupid issue came up and she was mad at me for some reason.

Our families were over at our grandparents’ place for the holidays.

She bought a giant packet of creamed wafers and went around passing them to everyone but very conspicuously left me out.


Gurrrl if you think I would beat myself up over your wafers you’re denser than a rock.

3. Hey, as long as you can cash it.

My roommate was supposed to pay me for utilities.

When two weeks went by, I asked her for it again because I needed the money.

She huffed at me and said it would be on the fridge in the morning.

She wrote the whole check in giant capital letters which she never had done before.

Still got my money back tho.

2. Oh, I thought you were terrible.

Ex wife would set the dinner table for three. There were four of us.

“Oh… I thought you weren’t hungry”

1. Some people have way too much time on their hands.

I had an upstairs neighbor who would do crazy loud s**t at 1am- hammer on walls, vacuum, etc- and we would, of course, ask him to quiet down.

After awhile of this, he would start walking around the balcony upstairs, trying to peer into my living room to see if my tv was on, and if it was, he would come down and bitch at me to turn the volume down because he worked from home.

After the first few times of him getting sh**ty with me, I would put it on mute, and he would come down anyway because it wasn’t about the sound, but sticking it to me like the loser he was (and probably still is).

Wow, people are so petty y’all!

Have you ever witnessed something like this?

Tell us about it in the comments!