
16 People Share The Truths They Don’t Think Humanity Is Ready To Hear

If we’re being honest, there are probably a great many things that humanity isn’t ready to hear – more things than they are, in my estimation. We’re just not well-equipped for most things, if you ask me.

These 16 people clearly agree, because they had some quick answers to this question on Reddit.

16. I mean…

sometimes you can be wrong!!

And it’s ok to be wrong.

15. Does there have to be so much, though?

The air in chip bags is important.

They replace the air (which contains oxygen and water vapour) with nitrogen so the chips don’t get soggy or oxidize.

And they “over inflate” the bags on purpose to cushion the chips from crumbling during packing / transport.

14. Cut and dried.

We are all going to die and somebody has out pizzad the hut.

13. We all have our own things.

Most people simply don’t care about the things you’re passionate about no matter how much you try to convince them that they should be.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve had to learn that my friends don’t find joy in the same things I do. It’s nothing personal.

12. Down deep in our DNA.

Humans are still animals.

“I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they’d never expect it.” –Jack Handey

I find the fact that humans are mammals very comforting. It explains so many off-putting things. I look at them and think, “This is just a mating display,” or “This behavior maximizes the number of their potential offspring.”

When I look at people this way I never feel disappointed by them, or angry at them. We’re all just mammals, doing mammalian things.

11. We hates it.

Much evil not only goes unpunished but is rewarded.

Not only that but a lot of evil behaviour is rewarding itself for many people.

10. Nobody owes it to you.

Closure is an unrealistic expectation.

For me closure is something you give yourself, otherwise you will be emotionally stuck forever. Learnt that the hard way.

9. Without fail.

No matter what you do for a living, there will always be That Person that nobody can figure out how they got hired or why they are allowed to continue working there.

I remember seeing a post on Reddit that seems to answer it. It basically says that to keep most jobs you just need to tick two out of three of the following attributes(I might have misremembered 1)

You actually show up on time. Your work is good/up to standard is not the worst and passable. Your colleagues and bosses like you don’t hate you the most out of your colleagues.

8. Don’t think about it too much.

For the vast majority, when we die, our precious life will be quickly forgotten.

I don’t think it objectively matters, but it is very depressing to think about, at least for some people.

7. Smart people need to be louder.

The loudest among you are mostly a bunch of wankers. Unfortunately you usually let them lead you.

6. The big and scary truth.

Humanity is the largest threat to itself. Not some natural disaster or outside invasion. We will kill ourselves off at this rate.

5. What is normal?

We will never have a good sense of the world’s “normal.”

News won’t focus on it, because it’s boring by definition. Social media won’t focus on it for the same reason. Word of mouth and fiction too. Statistics may get us close, but they’re hard to picture in terms if human experience, and of course, more exciting stats get repeated more.

Our view of the world outside of our own personal experience will always be shaped by the outliers, and there’s not much way around it.

4. Eh, we’ll run out of space for graves eventually.

For most people the last thing left of them will be an eroded name on a headstone.

3. No matter what you think.

In a large scale natural disaster we are all pretty f’d. Imagine a scenario with no power, no cell or internet communication, etc. for an unknown or even infinite amount of time. Very few would ever be “ready” for such an event.

I think the pandemic showed us pretty clearly, the majority of people can’t handle being even SLIGHTLY inconvenienced, let alone doing without or changing their habits.

What would be more alarming is that climate change is very real and we are experiencing problems. I’m a buyer for a grocery store and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to secure produce. Not all produce but some. Between draughts in California and flooding in the Midwest, and everything in between, it’s disrupting our food supply.

What’s more, is inflation is causing food prices to rise which will eventually be funneled down to consumer. In some places, food is rotting in the field because there’s not enough people to pick it.

I know people want to say “well there’s enough literature to survive without the internet” but the reality is, most people aren’t able to live without a grocery store to provide their food. Yes people will learn to grow food but not everyone, and not everyone will be able. Seeing the panic buying from the pandemic, first hand, was traumatic. People lost their god damn minds when they could only buy 4 chickens instead of 6.

Frankly, people are not ready to live with less, at least in the US. Telling that same person to just add more vegetables or bread to the chicken meal, would’ve started ww3 because people are THAT entitled.

Additionally, most people do not realize how much actually goes into growing food. People in the Midwest bitch about strawberries coming from Mexico when it’s January. Like people don’t understand, food is seasonal and it’s only through modern marvels and technology, they’re able to get strawberries, in January, in Michigan.

2. Certainly not.

Are you special? Maybe a little bit. Are you as special as you think you are? Certainly not.

I’m far dumber than most people I know. Does that count?

(First person to say “BuT yOu ReCoGnIzE Ur FlAwS, uR nOt ThAt DuMb” is getting flipped off from behind a phone screen.)

1. Most people don’t care, though.

We’re pretty far from understanding how the universe works.

Take it a step further: there’s a good chance that humans simply don’t have the capacity to fully understand the universe.

A monkey will never be able to comprehend calculus, macroeconomic theory, or how a car works. It makes sense that we too have an intellectual ceiling that will prevent us from ever understanding how the universe works.

I agree with all of these, obviously.

What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments!