
16 Things That Happen To Everyone, Even Though We Don’t Talk About It

Every single human being might be a unique individual, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a fair amount of shared experiences. We’re all more alike than we are different, after all.

These 16 people think they’ve come up with things that happen to everyone (or at least, they hope they happen to everyone) even though most of us never talk about it.

16. Kind of glad no one talks about this one.

Getting that occasional snot out of your nose that’s so big it feels like it’s taking a part of your brain out with it.

Once I was sick. The flu. I sneezed and felt the phlegm in my tongue. I grabbed a tissue and cleaned my tongue, but I felt like I was pulling something. I kept at it and I just felt how the mucus was leaving my sinuses. Like it was so thick that I just pulled it like a thread.

It felt so weird because I kept pulling this long thing until it was all out. My sinuses never felt cleaner.

15. Still embarrassing.

Tripping on the sidewalk and hoping no one noticed lol.

I once tripped while crossing the road on Oxford Street, London. And it wasn’t like I just fell over, no, no, no. I kept on tripping, all the way across the road.

Cabs saw me. Buses saw me. Hundreds of people who I probably didn’t see saw me. But god I saw so many laughing faces.

It didn’t help that my friends were all bent at the waist howling with laughter. Oh the shame.

14. No one wants to think about it.

Our parents dying. I went through it at a young age and most of my peers looked at me like I was an alien. Like bro, this is gonna be you one day lol

Sometimes, in order to comfort myself from losing my mum at such a young age I’m thinking ‘at least I’m not gonna have to suffer this later, I already survived it so I don’t think there’s anything worse than that’

13. I don’t know if this makes me feel better or worse.

Weird unexplained heart flutters or chest pains that make you ask yourself “is this what a heart attack feels like?”

My dr told me the weird feeling I was having was a normal little change in heartbeat, but most people don’t feel them. I’m just lucky. Yeah, thanks

12. Time is a weird thing.

Definitely getting old. I’m 53 and it’s starting to show in my face and neck lol but when I look in the mirror I don’t recognize myself because in my mind I’m still in my 30s!

It also makes me realize that my 74 year old mother probably feels the same way.

11. It’s kind of a relief.

That moment when it truly hits home that you’re not young anymore and there’s nothing you can do to stop the decline.

Ooof, please stop. I am 47 and THIS has been causing me much stress of late. Life is flying by too quickly.

My kids are growing too quickly. The whole thing feels like the blink of an eye.

10. Seriously, normalize it!

For women: body hair outside the legs, pits and pubic area. Pretty much every woman has a few beard hairs on her chin that she plucks. The majority of women also shave their toes/tops of feet.

A large number get a little tuft of pubic-esque hair just under the belly button. I know of a few who get a few wiry hairs around their nipples that they shave or pluck. This is 100% normal and happens to pretty much everyone, and nobody warns you so when you’re a teenage girl, and (if you’re lucky) health class has warned you to expect leg, armpit and pubic hair, it then comes as a complete shock when all the other hair starts coming and you feel like a horrible disgusting freak.

This s*%t needs talking about, just enough to normalise it so not every 17-year-old girl sobs in the bathroom while plucking a hair off her chin because she’s convinced she’s the only girl in the world with this happening.

9. It feels never ending.

happens to 1/2 of us..menopause. Most people only know it as getting a few hot flashes and then periods stop. Reality is without estrogen our bodies drastically change, and not necessarily for the better.

I didn’t know until I was an adult that the menopause lasts YEARS! I naively assumed your periods just stop one day, like the reverse of puberty. But sometimes your periods can get heavier and more frequent.

As teenagers, we get taught everything there is to know about periods except when they come to an end. Pretty much everything I know about the menopause I know from my own mother going through it.

8. No one needs to remember that.

Our own births

Don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful that we don’t

7. It’s a human thing.

Intrusive thoughts. Them bastards rlly be annoying.

As a clinician it is wild how many people come in and are so ashamed and genuinely think they are awful horrible people for having intrusive thoughts. It’s so upsetting for them. Definitely needs to be discussed more.

6. Not a great human moment.

That feeling you get when you remember something terribly embarrassing that happened to you a long time ago with vivid detail.

I sometimes wonder how smart I would be if I could overwrite those memories with more useful information because they sure seem to occupy a lot of space in my brain

5. Too bad they don’t fall out.

Your pubes go grey.

4. And being offended when they refuse.

Offering to share an unusual odor with your partner.

3. A sad time.

There is a point when we stop talking to our old best friend.

I think I’m going through this right now with my best friend of 21 years. In the last year we’ve hung out twice. It sucks.

2. Brains, man.

When you wanna know what time it is, so you look at your watch or phone, but when you put it down you realize you didn’t actually synthesize the information, so you have to look again.

But then ten seconds later you realize you still don’t know the time, so you have to look again.

Then maybe a minute later someone asks you what time it is, and you realize you actually have to look at your phone a fourth goddamn time.

1. It can be hard to forget.

Constantly reliving and regretting an awkward interaction with a stranger you never saw again.

My daughter was born and I was going to the hospital to visit. I show the security guard my pass for the maternity ward.

He says “congrats” to me.

I say “oh, my child was already born” referring to my two year old son for some reason.

The gentleman says “oh,” awkwardly.

Why couldn’t I just say thanks and keep it moving? Idiot…

I have to say that I probably agree with a majority of these.

What else do you think belongs on this list? Tell us in the comments!