Let’s just say up front that there are plenty of not-smart (or just naive) people in absolutely every culture around the world. Americans tend to bear the brunt of the jokes online because we’re easy targets….but also because people like these 17 run their mouths online at every opportunity!
When you scroll through these jaw-dropping comments, you’re not gonna believe anyone could be so clueless.
Yet, here we are.
17. That’s one theory, but…
have you ever heard of term limits, my friend?
16. I wish Vatican City was in America.
Maybe I would finally get to visit, then.
15. The snarky response is so delightfully British.
But also, wouldn’t her husband know?
14. We’re always concerned about the OG.
Until it’s not us.
13. We can also do conversion math.
In theory.
12. It’s handy when people weed themselves out.
I mean, we can just stop this interaction right there.
11. Why aren’t the doctors skilled in Europe?
Seriously, I want to know where this nonsense came from.
10. They missed a word, there.
Or it’s the “global” part they don’t believe in.
9. That’s one perspective.
Admittedly a very limited one.
8. Just asking.
No reason.
7. No but it is part of a country.
It’s just not attached…
6. Read that again.
Do you still want to ask it?
5. I have a few questions.
Starting with, what frontiers are in Europe?
4. Is it really that hard to figure out?
Apparently so…
3. I have some news for her.
She’s never gonna remember them all when she finds out how many there are.
2. If you want to get technical.
We’re all everywhere on the internet.
1. Nononononononono.
Stop it. Seriously.
Wow. I mean, I don’t even know what else to say, y’all. Just wow.
If you’ve got more words, leave them in the comments!