
17 Images That Are Random But Interesting

Image Credit: Instagram

You know the move I’m talking about, right? You’re chatting it up with your puppers, and they’re earnestly listening, watching your every move, and tipping their head back and forth in an attempt to make what you’re saying make any sense at all.

These 17 images will finally, finally, let you know what your dog is thinking in those situations.

#17. I still really haven’t figured these out.

This triangular window uses a regular blind, cut into a triangle and mounted on the hypotenuse.
byu/ieo-killer-tofu inmildlyinteresting

#16. What is that white squirrel I want it.

I had 3 different colored squirrels in my yard.
by inmildlyinteresting

#15. I don’t know why this is so disturbing but it totally is.

My m&m is cylindrical
by inmildlyinteresting

#14. A cruel, cruel joke.

There’s a can of beer inside my can of beer!
byu/jamestwatt inmildlyinteresting

#13. …how does that work?

I found caffeinated water today
by inmildlyinteresting

#12. That poor, naked watermelon.

A peeled watermelon
byu/Hilltopchill inmildlyinteresting

#11. Honestly, I feel like being able to tell if the bathroom is occupied without touching the handle is a great idea.

This café has lights above the toilet signs so you can see if they are occupied without getting up
byu/Patat0man inmildlyinteresting

#10. Talk about turning something bad into something cute.

A rock created bird shaped window art on my car.
byu/AshlynnMartell inmildlyinteresting

#9. As opposed to…Krypton? Asgard?

[deleted by user]
by inmildlyinteresting

#8. Well, that’ll save some time.

This garlic bulb only has one clove
byu/pmags3000 inmildlyinteresting

#7. Theories on the purpose of this fence?

This fence is so thin.
byu/gntrr inmildlyinteresting

#6. I mean, points for trying?

I bought a pack of cigarettes and they came with a postage paid recycling pouch.
byu/p4d4 inmildlyinteresting

#5. Not sure I want that touching my skin, but ok.

The manufacturers of these gloves don’t know what they’re made of
byu/Mario_119 inmildlyinteresting

#4. It’s like seeing Jesus but better.

My wife’s potato looks like Admiral Ackbar
byu/Vanhole inmildlyinteresting

#3. When you’re really, really tired but still have to pee.

There are head rests above the urinals in this bar.
by inmildlyinteresting

#2. I feel like they might have missed a marketing opportunity there.

The Sliding Glass Door Company doesn’t use sliding glass doors.
by inmildlyinteresting

#1. Perhaps drivers will be less likely to smash a pink kitty?

The dividers on this Japanese road are Hello Kitty.
byu/RegionFree inmildlyinteresting

I told you so!