Internet challenges can go either way – the Tide Pod challenge wasn’t humanity’s best moment, but the ice bucket challenged raised millions of dollars for ALS research. This latest trend, #trashtag challenge, is definitely falling into the “score one for humanity” column.
The goal is to save the planet, one bag of garbage at a time, and with 1.3 billion tons of household waste being generated every year, it’s far past due.
The challenge is simple: take a before photo of an area littered with trash and put it next to an after photo of the same area once you’ve cleaned it up.
The hashtag blew up after a Reddit user posted a screenshot of someone who had completed the challenge with the caption “Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens. Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it here.”
And post they did! Below are 17 amazing before-and-afters that you’re just going to love.
#17. That’s a lot of trash.
#16. An hour well spent.
#15. If a 70-year-old retired school teacher can do it, what’s your excuse?
#14. A big job, well done.
#13. A South African #trashtag
#12. Cleaning up a tourist area in Vietnam.
#11. Yes.
#10. This brought a bit of a tear to my eye.
#9. Look what 10 people and 1 Sunday morning can do!
#8. Hard to believe people let such a beautiful place get so messy.
#7. I fear he might have bagged up his shirt on accident.
#6. Many hands make light work.
#5. In their school unis and everything.
#4. I’m sure the horse helped.
#3. Actually makes you want to sit there now.
#2. Manila Bay after a judge ordered it cleaned up. Wowzers.
#1. Such a nicer walk now!
It’s not too late to do your part – get out there and clean, people!