I’m not going to say things were better back then (because I don’t want to sound as old as I am), but these 17 things prove that things were at the very leave different in the 90s than they are today.
#17. Taking 1 – maybe 2 – pictures because you didn’t want to waste them. Then not having any idea how they’d turned out for a good week.
#16. And having to carry extra film, just in case.
#15. Ordering double (or triple) prints if you wanted to share the photos with friends.
#14. Leaving a message on your friends family answering machine and hoping some ornery sibling (or parent) didn’t erase it.
#13. Entering contests through the snail mail.
#12. Spending hours planning your (possibly fictional) summer vacation after your parents got one of these in the mail.
#11. Having to call the cable company (like, on the phone) to order a movie.
#10. Having to find a payphone if you were out and needed a ride home.
#9. Calling the video store to see if they still had copies of the movie or game you wanted to rent.
#8. If your parents didn’t get the newspaper, calling to find out when movies were playing.
#7. Being able to actually pick up and drop off your friends and family at the airport gate.
#6. Having to keep a list of phone numbers (until you memorized them all).
#5. Having to figure out how to use microfiche to research old articles or news. (Look it up, young people).
#4. Going through catalogues to pick out potential gifts.
#3. Only being able to see trailers at the movie theater.
#2. Ever wonder why old people have a tradition of calling relatives on Sundays? It used to be cheaper!
#1. …and finally, riffling through an actual card catalogue.
Time machine, anyone?