I love old people. They’re way more interesting than kids – they’ve seen a lot of shit, they love to tell you about it, and they’ve long ago given up caring what other people think. That, my friends, is a recipe for awesome if you ask me.
Which, you didn’t, but this is my article so I guess you’re stuck listening.
More to the point, here are 17 examples that support my claim that old people are not only amazing – amazing enough to conquer the internet.
#17. If this doesn’t crack you up, I don’t even know what to do with you.

Photo Credit: Tumblr
#16. Hey, Gramps calls ’em like he sees ’em.

Photo Credit: Twitter
#15. “Mr. Uber” to the rescue!

Photo Credit: Reddit
#14. When Grandma confuses you with Siri.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#13. I think we can all relate.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#12. Important update!

Photo Credit: Reddit
#11. Pretty sure Grandma just bamboozled you.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#10. Moms. Gotta love ’em.

Photo Credit: Rebrn
#9. Oh man I love dads.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit
#7. OMG ha.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#6. *snort*

Photo Credit: Reddit
#5. She’s just trying to help…

Photo Credit: Reddit
#4. Yikes.

Photo Credit: Imgur
#3. I personally find the big letters useful.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#2. This will never not be funny and also terrible.

Photp Credit: Reddit
#1. So uplifting.

Photo Credit: Reddit
h/t: Buzzfeed
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