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If you’re not familiar with Tumblr, then you probably don’t realize the genius that often finds its way out of people’s heads and into the posts there. If you are familiar with Tumblr, you’re going to love these 17 brilliant posts all the more.
#17. So disappointing.

Photo Credit: Twitter
#16. Yes, many dreams are not meant to be followed. Or understood.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#15. Science.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#14. Lost in translation.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#13. Thanks, Hagrid.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#12. In case you need inspiration to get off the couch today.
#11. Yeah, nope.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#10. Truer thoughts have never been put down on virtual paper.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#9. Pun level: Expert.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#8. Your real friends will just send a thumbs up.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#7. This definitely belongs on an episode of The Good Place.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#6. I had to wait until my late twenties to experience this, but it’s a liberating moment.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#5. I also agree.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#4. Someone knows how to bait a hook.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#3. Just giving in to the robot overlords now.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#2. Unsettling.

Photo Credit: Reddit
#1. When the internet blows your mind and pisses you off in one post.

Photo Credit: Reddit