
17 Ways People Royally Effed up Their Lives

13. This guy is a criminal.

There was a kid (we’ll call him jerry) I went to school with who I thought was a perfectly nice guy. Jerry was kind of known as the flamboyant gay kid In my school. He was good at school, had lots of friends, was well known in the community, and had just recently been accepted to an extremely good college. Just a few weeks ago Jerry went to a party and intentionally got a 17 year old kid so drunk and high that he passed out. Once the kid fell asleep, this guy raped him and took pictures of the entire process (while making faces and peace signs at the camera). The kid freaked out when he woke up and realized what happened; the police were immediately called. The police took Jerry’s DNA and phone for evidence and quickly found over 150 nude pictures of underage boys from our local high school and all of the pictures of Jerry raping this poor kid at a party. Jerry is only 18 and now faces charges for rape of an unconscious victim, rape of a minor, possession of child pornography, and multiple cases of sexual assault. Right now it looks like he will serve a minimum of five years in prison, but it is likely to be more.
Edit: Apparently more rape victims have recently stepped forward, so he may be even more fucked than he was before.

14. Crack kills

few months ago I had a friend of mine ask me if I wanted to try crack with him. I was busy so I politely declined. He now has three different dealers calling up at the job looking for money, he’s totaled two cars, only one of which was his, everyone hates him now because he’s always begging for money and lying to everyone, and his mother had him locked up for stealing from her house.
We’ve been watching this dude ruin his life for the past few months and he won’t listen to anyone when we tell him it’s obvious his addiction is causing it.

15. DUI

There was a kid that was in my graduating class that was one of our valedictorians. Was a very smart kid, had college all paid for and all that.
Well two years later, he went to a graduation party for one of his old high school friends and ended up getting a DUI that night. For some reason, he was allowed to post bail a couple hours later and ended up stealing his friends car, getting in a police chase and killing himself at his parents house.

16. Meth

Meth. A beautiful (jaw dropping really) cousin of mine went from being a successful social worker with a Masters from UK, a beautiful family, and gorgeous home to a single, jobless meth head with both of her children in the same system she worked for. Got meth mouth in record time.

17. Ummmmm

A girl from my school posted a video on Facebook of her doing vastly inappropriate things with a dog. Apparently she’d been forced into it by an uncle. It was deleted the day it was posted but everyone saw it and she now goes by a new name
Also a guy from school, at 19, stabbed a 13 year old boy in a cemetery, over a girl, not far away from where I live. The guy was a fucking tank and a bully and to tell you the truth I had always thought he had a rape/murder vibe

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