15. Play it cool and be like this kid

Let me point out that I’m female since people will assume I’m a guy. I taught in an inner city school. We were talking about prime numbers so I would have kids give me a number and we’d work out if the number was a prime number on the board. One kid wasn’t paying attention so me being a young teacher I thought I’d catch him off guard and call on him. It went something along the lines of,

“Marc, do you have a number?”


“I need your number.”

“Play it cool, girl. We can talk after class.”

The whole room lost it and I turned red from embarrassment. They then laughed at how red I got.

16. Science can be fun! (Sometimes)

Our teacher was teaching us about the States of Matter, solid, liquid, and gas.

He was talking about how a solid you can break into littler pieces, but how you can’t do the same to liquids or gases! So I blurt out, “But you can break wind.”

I still talk to that teacher and he says that was the best part of his teaching career. This was in 6th grade.


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