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Parents make the lamest jokes, right?
Not these parents. These moms and dads are so full of zingers, you won’t know what hit you.
1. They’ve got their priorities right

Photo Credit: Twitter, simoncholland
2. Why are you smarter than me?!?

Photo Credit: Twitter, XplodingUnicorn
3. All in due time…

Photo Credit: Twitter, MyMomologue
4. Oh Emily…

Photo Credit: Twitter, msemilymccombs
5. Cheers!

Photo Credit: Twitter, adult_mom
6. They’re not going to pick themselves off!

Photo Credit: Twitter, Six_Pack_Mom
7. Solid plan

Photo Credit: Twitter, FatherWithTwins
8. …but they CAN pay off. Sometimes. Okay, always. Sort of.

Photo Credit: Twitter, TheBoydP
9. Truly tragic, Ally

Photo Credit: Twitter, TragicAllyHere
10. That’s not how it works, kids!

Photo Credit: Twitter, iwearaonesie
11. Yeah, open the blinds pls

Photo Credit: Twitter, Dadpression
12. Pure hell

Photo Credit: Twitter, KateWhineHall
13. Classic Reynolds bad parenting tweet.

Photo Credit: Twitter, VancityReynolds
14. What is a wine cooler anyway?

Photo Credit: Twitter, steveolivas
15. Glory dayzzzz

Photo Credit: Twitter, kellyoxford
16. Go for it kid.

Photo Credit: Twitter, Playing_Dad
17. Well, that’s not wrong…

Photo Credit: Twitter, FeralCrone
18. Jenny is in for it now

Photo Credit: Twitter, JennyPentland
19. Brian’s priorities = ?

Photo Credit: Twitter, briangaar
h/t: smosh
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