3. Duh

I spent too much time drinking and not going to class. I was a junior with a 1.6 overall GPA. University said they didn’t need my ilk around there and would open my spot for someone who would appreciate it. This got my attention. I went to the dean and talked with him for a couple of hours trying to get back in. He said no, 19 out of 20 of you guys go back to doing the same thing. I told him I would be the exception. He gave me another chance. From then on out it was 4.0 every semester. I finally got my GPA up over 2.5 so I could graduate. I made sure and went back to the dean’s office to thank him and tell him that I was that 1 out of 20 that made it.

4. Must’ve had a lot of free time

Installing bitcoin miners on all the computers in a video editing lab

5. Sounds like a blast

For being off campus with a member of the opposite sex without proper supervision. No, seriously.

6. Search engine problems

I was making a search engine for our school teacher evaluation page. It absolutely blew up in popularity and a large portion of the school was using it (about 5k views per day). Essentially it was like rate my professors except it used the evals that they force students to do at the end of the class as data. I also added features that made it more desirable to students.

It became so popular that it was showing up on the front page of google for certain teacher names. Some of those teachers had low ratings and got pissed off and complained. I had unintentionally violated IP laws because the evaluations were under password protections and my site was not. The only reason I didnt get expelled was because the dean of my department had my back. He did research and concluded the information should not have been private in the first place, then sent a public information request to make it so my project did not break the law. I definitely had people asking for my expulsion for a scary amount of time.


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