7. Lay off the weed

My roommate got expelled for basically never going to class, not even when there was an important exam. He spent all night smoking weed (with me) and playing video games (not with me), and then slept all day until about 5 PM. Like I would wake up, go to my 8:30 lecture, get lunch, go to lab 2-5, then come back to my room and my roommate was STILL sleeping! I found out the following summer that he had gotten a letter from the university asking him not to come back. Last I heard of him, he had enrolled at a commuter school, where he made the dean’s list.

8. That’s a little intense

Heard this story of this dude who got kicked out for leaving on break to train with Al Quaeda

9. Idiot cheaters

Currently am aware of a group of international students getting expelled from my school. They’ve been whispering to each other during exams in another language, and as luck would have it my professor happens to speak that language and has been slowly building a case against them without their knowing it.

The kids somehow also got the solutions to every homework and exam last semester which is very similar to what we’ve been assigned this semester. However the kids are so fucking lazy they blindly copy whole solutions not realizing numbers are different, sometimes units are metric and they answer in English, and one problem asked for something completely different than they solved for using the exact procedure to solve last semesters homework. They’re absolutely fucked and I’m kinda excited to see it. One of them had a 3.75 gpa was on the verge of being auto admitted to our MS/BS program.

He’s probably been cheating his whole college career (were 2 semesters away from graduation). Plot twist: the advisor to that program is the instructor that is currently building the case against them. So basically that guy is mega fucked.
Professor is a savage. He’s been grading all their homework and exams like everything was fine and one day unleashed a dossier of bitch justice to COAM.
Edit: anyone interested in an update COAM didn’t expel anyone afterall. They all just completely lost the homework portion of their grade (20%) so their probably all getting c’s at best.


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