10. This mom who knitted her son and his cat matching ties is my hero
9. Kid asked for a “cool bookmark” and this mom handed over a laminated picture…of herself #momgoals

Photo Credit: Reddit/GreenPantSuit
8. Presented as an apology to said son’s girlfriend

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. When Mom sells the iguana. Actual tears.

Photo Credit: Reddit/DarthTrumpApp
6. When your mom mixes up pajama day and picture day. On “accident,” I’m sure.

Photo Credit: Reddit/ KillerKenyan
5. I can’t decide whether the Elton John part or the pee-pee part makes it awesome

Photo Credit: Reddit/certaingrass
4. The dog’s face seems to confirm

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. “Jefferoonie” does not seem amused by his cake
2. Nice recovery, Mama

Photo Credit: Tumblr,intangible-rice
1. When your mom’s sense of humor is rough

Photo Credit: Twitter, KevinM0ra
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