We all know parenting is an extremely tough job. And sometimes moms and dads get frustrated and pushed to the edge 0f sanity.

Hey, no one can be on their A Game all the time, right?

Who wants to win “Parent of the Year” anyway?

1. You can do that in jail

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Raised by the telly

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. What day is it?

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Thanks a lot

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. You’re gonna love it

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Not even close

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. So proud

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Yup

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. An honest mistake

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Learn how it’s done

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Could be any day

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Dark humor

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Sounds like a winner

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Way to go

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. That’s awkward

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Losing my religion

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. On the fly

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. I give up

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Sure….

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. That’s the way it goes

Photo Credit: Twitter

Well done! Keep up the okay/decent/passable work, parents!
