Cats. The Internet. People making hilarious comments and observations about cats on the Internet.
Enough said.
20. Cats are cats are cats
19. Sometimes it’s best not to ask too many questions
18. You created a problem. Now it’s yours to live with, buddy.
17. Worst trick ever
16. Either way, that is one angry cat
15. “Please unplug your cat”
14. The last picture is everything
13. It might be sweet, but it’s also a little gross to have cat food on the table
12. One of these cats is clearly smarter than the other
11. I feel like whoever wrote this caption has a friend like this
Photo Credit: Tumblr,unimpressedcats
10. You’ve interrupted a private meeting. Please move along.
9. Because cats
8. This would be great for a caption contest
7. This cat is so not impressed
6. Parents feel this cat
5. IDK, is that thing on the right even a cat?
4. It’s fine. This is fine. We’re all fine.
3. Perfect caption is perfect
2. I know where I’m supposed to eat out of – why do you think I’m doing it this way?
1. It’s like a mandrake, but cuter
(h/t: Bored Panda)
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