
20 Restaurants That Need to Take a Step Back and Reevaluate Things


Let’s cut to the chase. The people running these restaurants need to chill out, and reevaluate the way they’re conducting business.

Because they’re overdoing it or straight-up blowing it. I’m not saying I wouldn’t eat the food if it was placed in front of me, but all of these situations are a little disconcerting.

1. In a sneaker, huh?

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Real grass!

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Can I eat this or is it potpourri?

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Served on a hubcap

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Spaghetti sushi

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Sushi on pizza

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Charcuterie clipboards…hmmm

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Butchered those poor ducks

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. A new method for tomato and grilled cheese

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Corn really needed this

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Cotton Candy. On a log.

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Tacos. In a glass.

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. French fry shots!

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Soup in a high heel

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Served on half a skateboard

Photo Credit: Reddit

16. Forget plates. Use bricks.

Photo Credit: Reddit

17. Eat like a dog!

Photo Credit: Reddit

18. Just give me the potatoes on a plate

Photo Credit: Reddit

19. Eat like a hobo!

Photo Credit: Reddit

20. Why? Whyyyyyyyyy?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Time to go back to the drawing board…