
23 of the Most Ridiculously Ignorant Statements People Have Heard


I try to remind myself that there are smart people in the world, but it’s tough when I’m also constantly reminded there are terribly dumb people in the world. I have a feeling these 23 AskReddit users know exactly what I mean. Check out the most ignorant things they have every heard someone say:

1. Yeah, that’s what that does

“The baby is in a little protective sack that keeps out all the bad stuff. It’s fine.” As said to me by a drunk, smoking, pregnant teenager at a wedding I attended a few years ago.

2. Everyone’s a critic

I went through treatment for cancer. The number of people who think it is helpful to point out that “big pharma has the cure for cancer but they’re hiding it” is mind boggling. Oh and thanks for pointing out that the chemotherapy I’m having is super bad for you (no duh). And no, I haven’t considered “alternatives” like eating organic and vitamin infusions.

3. I mean, she’s gluten free, soo….

I’m a waiter. I once had a woman ask me if we had gluten free water. In her defence, that’s all we have water-wise.

4. The word is “Solar”

“Why don’t they just shine lights on solar panels so they can work at night too?”

5. You don’t want to know my opinion

Some guy once told me he believed that every person from Pakistan had murdered somebody. When I argued back that it was completely un-true, he responded with: “Well, that’s my personal opinion.”

6. Wait, what?

In high school government class in the 90s we actually had a debate about whether we should ever have a Black president. One of the students said something that made us all pause in our tracks.

Not at all joking, this one kid in the class said we should never elect a Black president because he would “let all the slaves go free.”

7. But how do you know?

“You can tell that the dinosaurs they use in movies aren’t the real ones.” – The person I saw Jurassic Park with.

8. Yes, yes I did…dumbass

I had just returned to school after my house had burned down during the summer. Arguably the worst summer of my life. I was minding my own business in class and some guy blurted out, “Did you all burn your house down just for insurance money?”

No. We didn’t burn our entire lives in four walls for some measly cash. It upset me so bad knowing people could even think like that.

9. No, just you sir

I work at a fast food restaurant. Last night, a man came in and ordered his food. When he went to find a table, he came back up to the front asking if the table with a handicap symbol was “only for r****ds.” I had absolutely no words.

10. Then tell me sir, what are they good at?

“My daughter is struggling in math because girls aren’t good at math.” This was said to me by the father of one of my students. I am a female math teacher. Age 42.

11. Good response…not

After my sister had passed away, someone I knew said, “At least she died doing what she loved.”

She died of a heroin overdose.

12. It’s Science

“That’s not snow on top of the mountain.”

“Of course it is, what else would it be?”

“It’s white plastic sheeting! It can’t snow on a mountain, silly.” Whew.

13. I don’t believe in this friendship, its not verifiable

One of my best friends told me he doesn’t believe in science. Like… doesn’t believe in the concept of verifying things through experiment and observation.

14. RUDE

When I was in high school Spanish class, I was talking to the person beside me about how my mother is from Mexico. Upon hearing this, the girl in front of us turned around in her seat and remarked, “Wow! Your mother is from Mexico? Do you think she can come over to my house sometime and clean it? My family has been looking for a new maid.”

From what I understand, she came from a very privileged life, so I can only assume her parents taught her to think that way.

15. Warning sign

“People who weren’t beaten as children are inferior people because they are less like me.” Said by my step-father.

16. Not helping

When my wife died four years ago, a coworker said: “Look on the bright side – no alimony.” True story.

17. Ooookay

Once a guy told me that slavery wasn’t the worst part of US history. According to him, the darkest chapter in the history of our country is the invention of electricity. Oooookay.

18. Ignorance is bliss

“You can’t be French if you’re Black. You must be from Africa. Where are your parents from?”



“I don’t know much about them but I assume France.”

“Speak French.”

“Petit con tu vis sous une pierre?”

“Whatever you say, Africa.”

“You realize there are Black people everywhere other than America and Africa right?”

“Haha you’re funny.”

19. God’s plan

When my brother died someone said, “God has a plan for us all. He’s in a better place now.” The best place for a 15-year-old boy is to be alive.

20. Smile

“You have a roof over your head, you get to eat every day. You have no reason to be depressed.” I wasn’t even depressed. Im just a quiet kid who doesn’t smile much.

21. OG

Please note: I am a Christian, so I don’t think she’s stupid for reading a Bible in general, but…

A girl I went to college with told us she prefers the King James Version because “it’s the only real version of the Bible, since it’s the first one written.” Guess she had never heard of Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic.

22. No words

Many, many years ago I waited tables in a restaurant that was inside a posh department store. Once a week or so, a woman would bring in her wheelchair-bound sister who appeared to have cerebral palsy or some similar illness. They both seemed to be very nice people, always tipped well, and frankly, it seemed like they both needed this time together to get out of the house.

One day while they were there, one of the waitresses I work with complained to me: “They shouldn’t let people like that [referring to the wheelchair bound woman] into public places. No one wants to look at that.”

What a jerk! So sorry she inconvenienced you by having the audacity to exist!

23. How does one learn to speak Mexican?

“All Latin Americans are Mexicans.” Oh, and apparently we all speak “Mexican,” a language that came from Spanish.

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