
25 Creepy, Real-Life Coincidences That’ll Give You Chills

Photo Credit: Pixabay

10. Nighttime Graveyard

“When I was 17, I worked at Red Lobster. I closed the kitchen, so I was one of the last people to leave somewhere between midnight and 1 AM. Being as late as it was, some of the city’s bus routes were already done for the day and only the heavy traffic ones were still running. Due to this inconvenience, I had to take a bus that dropped me off several city blocks away from home, leaving me with a twenty minute walk home.

This led me through a graveyard in the middle of a neighborhood, one of the oldest in the city. It had a small street that ran through it with streetlights, but both ends had a gate stopping vehicular traffic, only allowing pedestrians through, and headstones line either side instead of sidewalks. Creepy enough at night, but it was faster than walking around, especially since the cemetery was wide and narrow.

At this particular point, I had been walking through here at least once a week coming home from work, so I grew fairly comfortable there and would even sometimes just check out headstones instead of walking straight home. This one night, however, things changed.

I was walking up to the cemetery’s street, cutting through a grocery store parking lot, just wanting to get home to bed. As I walked up the side street leading to the pedestrian entrance, the streetlights in the cemetery shut off. All of them. At once.

‘Weird,’ I thought, but I carried on. My bed was calling me. I walk through the gate and the first light turned on, basking me in it’s glow. I slowed, looked around and saw nothing unusual so I continued. Coming to the edges of this lone lamp, the second light flickered on, stopping me in my tracks. I pull my already quietened headphones out of my ears, getting scared and searching for an answer.

Still nothing. I pick up my pace, briskly walking through this second pool of light, noticing that the first pool has disappeared as I leave it behind. Getting up to the third light, it flashes to life while the second one dims out, much like my bravado by now. This continues on all the way through, the lights turning on and off as I enter and leave them, jogging out of fear.

As I make my escape, the lights all off for now, I think about how creepy it would be if they all turned on now…But they didn’t. At least, not until I was across the street from the graveyard, causing me to break into a run for the rest of the way home.

I’ve told this to many friends, and always get the ‘it was probably just motion sensors.’ It wasn’t. I continued to use that path and had a couple of other less freaky experiences, but never again did I have the lights protect (?) me in such a way.”

11. Witch? Witch.

“When my mom was pregnant with me, an old woman came up to her and told her she was pregnant and poked her in the stomach. My mom was only about 2 weeks along and she nor anyone else knew for a while. And she wasn’t even trying to get pregnant.

My mom was fairly thin at this time and didn’t have a baby bump.”

12. Doppelgängers 

“There were these two kids that lived in my now hometown, a brother and a sister. The brother and sister were the same ages as my brother and I, respectively. The boy and my brother’s names both started with “T”, and the girl and my names both started with “A”. The boy was more of an athletic type, while the girl was more into art; also like my brother and I. I was a girl scout in my town in MA before, and I joined one of the troops when I got here, and it was the troop that the girl had been in.

Three days before we moved in, the two kids were hit by a drunk driver and killed.”

13. Sharing a Name

“I was around ten years old and my mom took my siblings and I to an Elvis impersonator show. After the show, he was signing scarves and things. The person in front of me had the same uncommon name as me and was about my age. I said that was my name, as well. We thought it was cool but never saw each other again.

A few years later, I’m camping with my family in New Hampshire. The campground has a small playground and I’m on the swings. I hear someone call my name, turn and see this same person was there, telling their family they were going to the playground.”

14. “Inspiring nonetheless”

“When I was eight years old a man walked up behind me, called my name and said, ‘You won’t remember me, but we are proud of you. We are watching you. Be good now. You are important.’

I ran inside the barber shop to my mom and told her. She went outside, but there was no one there. Ever since then I’ve felt like I’m being watched, but that I’m destined for something special. Epic troll possibly, but inspiring nonetheless.”

15. Helmet Wizard

“On my 12th birthday I was on the way to the bike shop to get a new bike, I was with my dad, his girlfriend, and my brother. We was still about 10 minutes away from the town center, so nowhere near the bike shop.

Some random, old, creepy looking guy came up to us, looked down at me and said, ‘You buying a bike?’ I looked at my dad, confused and kinda scared.

We told him that we were on our way to buy a bike. He then started going on about how I MUST get a helmet and wear it ALL the time! We was a little freaked out but we just assumed he was a weirdo and just forgot about it.

A few hours later I was riding through the park on my new bike and I fell off. I didn’t fall very hard and landed on grass so it was cool. As I went to get up brush myself off, I looked up and he was just standing there, looking disappointed and shaking his head. He shook his index finger at me and said, ‘I told you to wear a helmet.’

At this point I just sh-t myself and rode as fast as I could home!

What is even weirder though is the fact that I have moved about 40-50 miles away since then and I still see him every once in a while.”

16. Ashes

“Around six or seven years ago, a large portion of my neighborhood burned down in the fires that swept through Southern California. While helping my friend’s family pick through the rubble of their home for anything that could be salvaged, I saw a speck of white paper in the midst of one of the more blackened areas. I picked it up and read it – the only text on this bit of paper, left over after the rest of the page had burned away, was ‘from the ashes, new life is born.'”

17. Passport

“I went to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington when I was 12. When you first go in, they give you this passport thing which tells you the story of someone who lived during the Holocaust. The one that I got had a young man whose birthday was the same as mine, except 50 years prior. The day I went to the museum was 50 years to the day since his death.”

18. Bad Joke 

“When I was in 7th grade I had a serious crush on a girl. One day her mom was driving a bunch of us somewhere and everyone was talking and making jokes. I can’t remember the exact conversation, but I had a moment of silence where it was my chance to make everyone laugh. I made a super lame joke that brought silence. My moment to impress was ruined.

Come 10 years later. I am driving a car with the kids of family friends. In the same seat in the back sits a kid that reminds me of me, and there is a girl in the front seat he likes. The EXACT conversation (something about there not being enough of us to do something) starts progressing. I look into the rear view mirror at the kid and was thinking, ‘Don’t say we will multiply. Don’t say we will multiply!’ I was going to intervene before he said it, but BAM, he drops the same dorky joke I did 10 years before. And it seriously had no context or comical value at all.

I was in awe like I was psychic (a useless one apparently). I’m assuming he did not get the girl either.”