
5 Pictures of How Your Food Looked Before GMOs Took Over

Thanks to human domestication efforts, which make plants easier to eat and harvest, our edible friends have evolved massively in the past centuries. Pretty much all fruits and vegetables have been genetically modified through selective breeding, and Business Insider took a look at just how dramatically different these plants look from their wilder days.

Below, we take a look at five foods, and how drastically they’ve changed since humans intervened.

#5. Bananas


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Check out those big, hard seeds!

#4. Watermelon


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Where’s all the bright red/pink juicy meat?

#3. Corn


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

We all know that, as far as America is concerned, bigger is better (and sweeter)!

#2. Carrots


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

They were generally purple until 17th century Dutch farmers started cultivating the sweeter, orange variety. Who knew?

#1. Eggplant


Photo Credit: Flickr

On the other hand, eggplant wasn’t always its typical purple. That ancient world sure was topsy turvy!

Could you have identified any of these without the captions? I guess it would be tough to find food if we time traveled back several hundred years!

Source: APlus