
People Are Struggling to Agree on the Answer to This Math Problem


Maths are hard for me, so tbh, I’m not even going to give this one a shot – but if you want to, here’s the original (seemingly simple) equation that was posted on Twitter.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Got it?


Do you have a math degree?

Well, do you?!?

Well, chances are you just think you do, because answers on the internet are ranging from 1 to 16.

And this is being HOTLY debated.

And not even the calculators can agree, so don’t feel too badly.


Okay… what the f**k is going on? The calculators can’t agree?

How is that even possible?!?!?

This is getting wayyyyyyy too complicated.

I’m learning so much! Mainly, I’m learning how bad at math I actually am.

But you want to know what’s crazy?

Seriously… this is going to blow everybody’s minds.

16 is right.

1 is right.

Yeah… they’re BOTH right.

Mashable breaks it down…

The answer lies in the way you go about solving it, and that depends on where in the world you learned math.

If you use the PEMDAS method, the order of the equation is Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.

But if you were raised on the BODMAS method, then the order is Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.



Isn’t math fun?!? Wheeeeee!!!!

Seriously, I can’t handle when things don’t have ONE answer. Especially when it comes to math. Or what my girlfriends wants to eat tonight. They’re both hard questions to answer, but I know there should only be ONE answer.

What did you think about this minor math miracle?

Let us know in the comments!