You have to be a pretty clever son of a gun to come up with a funny tweet.
Let’s look at the evidence… you have 280 words or less to make people laugh, cry, or think. That’s not a long time. Maybe less than 20 seconds?
And I think it’s safe to say that the following tweeple did a real bang-up job in that department, because I’m over here doubled-over in the laughter.
Yes, these tweets are certified FRESH! And FUNNY! And WHEEEEEEE!!!!
I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed finding them on the interwebs.
1. It sure felt that way…
2. That’s hot.
3. Soak it all up.
4. A constant battle.
5. Total bullshit.
6. Sure to be a disaster.
7. What are you talking about?
8. I need this in my living room.
9. That’s really something.
10. You need a companion.
11. A long time coming.
12. Maybe you’re right…
13. Take him out!
Those tweets sure hit the nail on the head, huh? They take the realities that we encounter every single day and make them hilariously real. Ahhh, I love Twitter so much. Unless Twitter is being negative. Which is half the time. So I suppose I only like Twitter half the time. But that’s okay.
Now… we want to hear from you! Yes, you there. With the face and eyes reading this.
Have you seen any hilarious tweets, memes, or jokes lately? Have you doubled-over with laughter from something you’ve read, heard of smelled?
Please share them in the comments so we can keep on laughing together!