
15 People Admit to the Little Things That Make Them Rage

Image Credit: Pixabay

We all have our quirks – the odd things we like, the way we dance and sing when we’re alone, the old movies we cling to, and yes, the things that drive us absolutely mad.

They’re often small, usually assuming to others, but if one of your peeves hits you just right, it can send you through the roof.

Here are those things for 15 random people, because Reddit.

15. See also: elevators.

People getting in the train without letting other people getting out first.

14. I am totally guilty of not doing this thing.

Please, just indicate when you’re going to turn.

PLEASE. It’s kind of the law.

13. Anyone who says this has a death wish.

Someone asking me to calm down when I’m already calm.

It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy at that point and I get all mad trying to explain that I’m not mad.

12. It really is one of the worst feelings.

When a toe decides it wants to embrace a tables leg.


11. I despise anything that’s loud on purpose.

Let me generalize : People who are loud for no reason.

The quiet is nice, I don’t need you to shout something in my face when it isn’t urgent and we’re in an otherwise quiet location.

10. Just pull it tight!

When people shut my door, but it closes where it doesn’t click in and just slowly opens up again.


9. Who let the New Yorker in the room?

People blocking the pavement/sidewalk.

x2 If they are walking slowly.

x3 If they are a group of three or more friends walking in a line.

x10 If they are a group of friends walking slowly.

8. This drives me absolutely bonkers.

Being ignored when asking someone something politely.

7. The rage is just oozing from the screen.

‘Unexpected item in bagging area.’

It’s not unexpected, you digital fuck. You literally just told me what it is. It’s right there on the screen. I did the wavy-wave, you did the bleepy-bleep; up until the point where you decided to have an electronic stroke, things were going exactly according to plan. What you mean is that you haven’t been programmed right. Don’t go putting this on me, like I’ve somehow gone out of my way to surprise you. I’ve got places to be, man. I can’t be playing hide-the-actual-salami with the Terminator’s younger, shittier cousin.

Oh, and now you’ve sent for backup. Well done. Now I have to deal with a human person who thinks I’m either an imbecile or a thief for not being able to work what’s effectively a bathroom scale with delusions of grandeur for the fourth time.

6. Why does this make us so mad?

Walking past a door handle to have your headphones ripped out. (yes I am poor)

Walking past a door handle to have your belt-loop snag and stop you dead in your tracks.

Door handles.

5. Sometimes I think they just don’t realize they’re being loud.

My mom and I are the kind of people who, if you’re sleeping, we try to open and close doors as ninja as possible.

My dad and my sister just CLUNK the fucking door, every time, with absolutely no regard for how loud that shit might be. No deceleration, no attempt at sound dampening, no consideration whatsoever beyond their own concerns.

I know “lack of empathy” is a criteria for sociopathy, but after awhile you wonder if discourteous people just don’t have the brain capacity to think beyond themselves.

4. Good managers are worth their weight in gold.

When I am busy doing a task i have been set, then being told that wasn’t important you need to do this task now.. only to be yelled at later for not doing the original task…

I hate contradicting managers.

3. Why does anyone over the age of 2 think dropping trash on the ground is okay?


Seriously, how hard is it to avoid?

2. Is that a metaphor, or…?

A rock in my shoe, even a fucking tiny one.

1. Trash does not go into the sink, period.

Spent tea bags do not go in the sink.

Man, a few of mine are definitely on this list. If I ever murder my husband it will be while he’s chewing ice. Facts.

What are your odd little pet peeves? Share them with us in the comments!