
People Are Installing Their Own “Sand Pools” and It’s Honestly Really Inspiring

Photo by Piscinas de Arena NaturaSand

A lot of people are missing the beach right now, especially since it’s not entirely clear if it’s safe to visit. Some of those people have decided that if they can’t go to the beach, they will come up with an inventive way to bring the beach to them.

Enter: so-called “sand pools,” which are essentially what they sound like.

Spanish company Piscinas de Arena NaturSand has pioneered the creation of sand pools.

The photos are pretty incredible:


Can you imagine having all of this in your backyard?


Basically, the company transforms your existing in-ground pool into a sandy oasis.


Here’s how they make it happen:

Because sand gets just about anywhere and everywhere it can, the company uses a substance they call “compacted sand.”

Compacted sand is essentially a mixture of concrete and regular sand. This special mixture is what makes your backyard paradise look like the beach while being strong enough to contain an in-ground pool.

The backyard beaches also have one huge pro over the real thing: the sand doesn’t get hot! That’s right, no frantic dash across the beach as you try to make it back to your towel without sustaining burns.

You can also clean the sand and beach area just like you clean your pool, and you don’t need a ladder to enter.


Piscinas explains,

“The entrance of the sand pools is made from level zero, on a soft ramp, as if it were the entrance to a beach.

In this way, it is ideal for everyone’s enjoyment.”


These beach pools are definitely an inventive solution for the times!

Don’t forget to let us know which design is your favorite in the comments.