Just when you think you’ve already heard every weird or funny thing that’s gonna come out of the mouths of your kids, they strike again.
And you’re about the see the undisputed evidence!
Because these folks all went on the record to share their own hilarious stories about wild kiddos making up new words and phrases for things they couldn’t remember.
Are you ready for some laughs? Then buckle up, amigos!
1. Leg holders.
She’s not necessarily wrong.
2. I’m gonna start using this.
Gettin’ rusty.
My daughter, when she was five, called my ex-husband’s grays “people rust.”
— The Real Ebony Queen (@DRealEbonyQueen) June 27, 2017
3. I like “bed skins”.
May I use it?
As a toddler, my son was king of properly renaming things. This is why my vocabulary now includes gems like “boo boo trucks” and “bed skins” (ambulances and sheets, obviously).
— Erin Rooney Doland (@erdoland) May 30, 2018
4. This is AWESOME.
Let’s officially change it.
A friend’s 5 yr old saw a rhino and called it a “Battle Unicorn”. Can we let 5 yr olds christen new species please?
— Zoe’s Zoo (@ZoesZooYouTube) May 30, 2018
5. We have a winner!
And now I’m scared…
My 5-year old attending his first funeral seeing the closed casket: “Is that a Dracula Bin?”. It is now!
— Eric Oliver (@MrEricOliver) June 4, 2018
6. They’re ready!
Wait for the bing!
Until the age of 5 or 6 my brother called scrambled eggs “bing” because my mum cooked them in the microwave
— CunningSmile (@CunningSmi1e) May 30, 2018
7. Those darn hippies.
Struttin’ around like they own the place.
My four-year-old daughter calls hippos “hippies.” We think this is great, especially when she talks about crocodiles eating them.
— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) March 18, 2011
8. Okay, this works.
I will use this in the future.
My 3yo calls guacamole green butter. I think that’s what we should all call it now
— josh goodpaster (@jgodpstr) May 28, 2018
9. Don’t correct him.
Just let it LIVE.
My kid calls those little ornament hangers ‘Christmas Hookers’ and I have no plans on telling him differently
— Darin Loves Bacon (@darinlovesbacon) December 4, 2018
10. The hair of wizards.
Sounds a lot cooler.
My 3-year-old calls my gray hairs “wizard hair.”
I’m not getting older.
Just more powerful.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) June 27, 2017
11. A child shall lead us.
Will this be added to the dictionary?
My friend’s 5-year-old just saw a crow and called it a “Halloween eagle.”
And a child shall lead us. It is known. This is the new name for the bird-formally-known-as-crow. You know what to do, @MerriamWebster.
— Tessa Dare (@TessaDare) May 30, 2018
12. A new name for a cartwheel.
And it’s genius.
My 5 year old niece says “starfish-circle” for cartwheel. Genius!
— Kaitlin C (@KCrechriou) May 30, 2018
13. They are nasty things.
I think she’s on to something.
A friend’s 5yo was wailing about seeing “flamingo witches” after watching the National Geographic channel. Took a little while to figure out she was talking about vultures.
— jillian (@jilliank245) May 30, 2018
Do your kids ever make us hilarious words or phrases?
If so, please tell us about them in the comments.
We can’t wait to hear from you!