
What Celebrity Have You Lost All Respect for? Here’s What Folks Had To Say.

Did you ever used to really, really love a celebrity, and then a bunch of bad news came out about them and you just lost all respect for them?

Or maybe you actually had a personal encounter with one and that caused you to not like them anymore in any way, shape, or form?

Hey, it happens!

What celebrity have you lost all respect for?

AskReddit users have some thoughts they’d like to share…

1. Not cool.

“Billy Crystal. He kicked me out of my seats at a Lewis Black standup show, literally stood over me and was like “these are my seats!”

I sort of laughed at him, had my tickets in hand, double checked they were correct and was like “sorry, I’m in the correct seat.” He stood there and insisted “no, these are mine you gotta go.” Lewis had started, and I didn’t want to cause a scene so we got up and walked over to the isle and the usher goes “ugh he’s been so difficult tonight”.

They gave us box seats, still good but we had like 3rd row seats in the center. Can’t watch City Slickers or Monsters Inc without hating on him.”

2. Out of my face!

“Meg Ryan, on the set of In The Cut. I worked on it for 2 weeks and we were all told NOT to make eye contact with her.

About a week in, a woman was walking by and started to tell Meg how much she loved her. Meg starts snapping her fingers off toward the distance. Her assistant comes running and literally opens a huge golf umbrella in the lady’s face so Meg could walk the other way.

Seemed like they had practiced this move!”

3. Ugh.

“Tyra Banks

In my preteen years, I would watch her talk show every weekday. She was my idol. As a teen, I was more interested in America’s Next Top Model. Recently, it was pointed out to me just how toxic a lot of Tyra’s content was that I watched 10-17 years ago.

I don’t want to list it off but there are videos about her problematic challenges in ANTM and insensitive things on her talk show. She also founded an MLM, which is never good, and it failed.”

4. Interesting.

“Barbara Walters.

She used to get some of the biggest interviews in the world and was well respected. Then the View happened….. and then total respect was lost when she pushed back on Corey Feldman for outing how rampant s*xual assault was in Hollywood.

Now in hindsight we find out Barbara Walters was in Jeffrey Epstein’s circle of friends and was certainly aware if not worse.”

5. Not a shocker.

“Dr Phil.

He was a client where I worked several years back.

He and his entire entourage are the very definition of entitled d*cks.

6. Rude as hell.

“I used to work in a high end cocktail bar/cinema in a posh area of London. We had a lot of celebrities.

The worst: Kendall Jenner did not know the words “thank you” or “please” and verbally abused one of the staff members, saying things like “this is why you earn $2 an hour.

Peter Jackson – refused to move for a staff member carrying a drink (at seat service in the cinema screen) and when the poor (18 year old) tripped and spilt the slightest drop, complained to the manager (me) and wanted the kid fired.

Vanessa Feltz (probably only known in the UK) – kicked off because the staff member didn’t know who she was and said as she “reviewed films for the Sun” (british tabloid) that it would be beneficial for us to give her free ice cream. When we pointed out that it made no difference to us if she liked star wars or not she threw a temper tantrum.

However they aren’t all bad…

Nicholas Hault – super down to earth and low key, tipped the bartender £20

Emma Watson – much the same as above never made a fuss, also would happily chat with the staff about anything and everything.

Jude Law – ordered at the bar like everyone else but was getting hassled by some fans so when I told him to go take a seat and I’d bring his drinks over he was so thankful and apologetic he tipped well and chatted for a bit about how the service industry can be so tough.

Clive Owen – one of the most polite people I’ve ever served.”

7. A lot of this out there…

“Gwyneth Paltrow

GOOP is so anti-science.”

8. Say it ain’t so!

“Steven Seagal.

I liked some of his movies when he was popular, but the stories that have emerged in the past several years let us all know he’s an absolute jerk.”

9. Don’t like her.

“Leslie Jones.

My exe’s mom worked for SNL and she was the only cast member who not only refused to speak to us when we were backstage, but also made sure to make us feel like a nuisance any chance she got.

Doesn’t sound so bad if we were grown adults visiting mommy at SNL, but this was when we were like 14-15 years old. I remember it made the whole night so strange because we felt like a disruption even though it was only the dress rehearsal.

So yeah, I dont like her.”

10. Reprehensible.

“Jenny McCarthy. What a mess.

Her continued insistence that autism is caused by vaccines is reprehensible.

The doctor who started that lie was thoroughly debunked but she just keeps on keeping on.”

11. Well, obviously…

“R. Kelly

I loved listening to his music when I was younger, but hearing all of these stories about how he is basically a predator to underaged girls is very unsettling.

The fact he even married a girl who wasn’t even of legal age was gross.”

12. Gross.

“Allen Ginsberg.

I loved his poetry up until I found out he was a member of NAMBLA.”

13. Never heard anything good about him.

“Jared Leto after all the sh*t he pulled on the Suicide Squad set.

I like to think his conduct is mostly the reason he got edited out of 90% of the movie although the director won’t cop to that.”

Are there any celebs out there that you’ve lost all respect for?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks in advance!