
18 People Recall the Most Overpriced Item They’ve Ever Seen

You know that moment when you turn over the price tag on something and your mouth just falls open? Maybe you laugh a little because of the shock, or show it to a friend, but deep down, you know for sure that the thing – whatever it is – is not worth what’s being asked.

These 18 people had some moments like that they couldn’t forget – and so here they are to share them with all of you.

18. Was it a lucky rock?

A few years back Nordstrom was selling a rock in a leather pouch for $85.

Neiman-Marcus used to put out the most hilarious Christmas gift catalog.

One year they offered his and hers Lear jets. No kidding. Just about anything in that catalog was wildly overpriced. More recently, they offered in their Christmas book, as a potential gift, a Boeing Business Jet for the wonderfully affordable price of “north of $35 million.”

17. That is not a steak.

A couple of years ago, Mark’s and Spencer Food, a high end supermarket in the UK, tried selling “Cauliflower Steak” which was a thick slice of cauliflower for £2.50. It was covered in plastic

You could literally buy a whole cauliflower in the same row a bit further down for 40p.

They were crucified for it, it was hilarious

16. Bless.

I saw an external ZIP disk reader in the clearance bin of Wal-Mart for 10% off it’s original price…in 2011.

So it was going for ~$180 and had parallel ports…in 2011.

15. That’s really…something.

$800,000 for a 500 square foot “condo” in Toronto.

14. Gwyneth Paltrow, et al.

Celebrity line of products.

Companies hike the prices of products by hundreds of dollars just because the name of a celebrity was on it.

13. This whole idea is a ripoff.

The $700 Juicero.

As if a Wi-FI connecting juicer was even necessary, let alone worth the price point.

12. They’re probably still waiting. Or maybe not.

In a downtown consignment shop, an oil painting of sheep grazing in a meadow had a price tag of $18,700.

It was by an unrecognized artist. When asked why it was priced so high, the shopkeeper said “because someone will like it and buy it.”

11. It hasn’t changed.

I remember seeing a basic scientific calculator for like $300.

I got an 84 when it first came out in the early 2000’s. It is literally the same price now and has barely been upgraded in nearly 20 years.

That thing should be graphing in 3D, wirelessly connecting to other calculators to share data sets, etc. and be lightning fast, but nope. Still the same old Windows 95-era technology.

10. I can make my own.

That $6 asparagus water Whole Foods sold a couple years ago; it was a 16oz bottle of water with 3 stalks of asparagus.

Also, everything from goop.

9. That’s a niche market.

I swear, people sell oddly-shaped Cheetos for THOUSANDS.

Literally THOUSANDS.

8. Doesn’t make much sense.

I saw a snowmobile motor for 4000$ it wasn’t even new it was like a 90s motor.

It is the same thing with boats. An outboard motor is like always $1500 or more.

However, if you buy the motor with a boat attached to it, you are paying the same price.

7. A sign of the times.

I saw a small thing of Lysol wipes being sold for $22 in a store last week.

Smells like price gouging, report that shit my friend.

Google ‘where to report price gouging’ in your state/area and fill it out.

6. And it’s not even good.

Beef jerky here in the UK.

In the US, Beef Jerky costs around 30 dollars a pound, around 23 pounds in the UK.

It is one of, if not the most, expensive beef products you can buy, other than a live cow.

5. Who on earth?

When I was in Dubai there was a cell phone store in the mall that sold phones that ranged from $30k -$120k.

They were basically phones covered in diamonds and gold. That’s $100k for something that is probably already obsolete.

4. No one could have foreseen that.

TP on offer up back in March.

3. Someone is going to buy that.

There’s a 50,000 dollar HDMI cable on Amazon.

I once read a review of an “audiophile” grade ethernet cable.

This guy actually claimed changing the ethernet cable from his router to his PC made his music sound better.

2. A scam, to be sure.

Printer ink.

1. That was someone’s childhood dream.

There used to be a nerdy collector’s store nearby, and when I was about 10 (20 years ago. Pfff…), I used to love it in there. Even if not buying anything, I was stunned by the individual Pokemon cards that they had in the glass cabinet, with their rarity emphasized by their ridiculous prices.

There was one that always caught my eye. The Ancient Mew card. With baffling illegible text, the WHOLE CARD being shiny and it being Mew, this was amazing. The £150 price tag showed that this thing was SO SPECIAL. They had it displayed in its own, velvet lined box. Me and a couple of friends dreamt of owning that thing one day. For reference, the Charizard was £15.

It turned out that it was only a promotional card for Pokemon The Movie 2000.

I bought one due to sheer nostalgia on eBay a few years ago, still in its packet, for £4.

Each of these would have made me laugh; they’re so ludicrous.

What’s the most memorable moment something like this happened to you? Share it with us in the comments!