
Brother Wonders Why His Sister Can’t Be More Into His Wedding – That He Made Sure She Can’t Attend

I’m telling y’all, weddings turn some typically normal and caring people into absolute beasts. I don’t know if it’s the idea that the day is “all about you” or whatever, but people who would normally make concessions and try their hardest to make loved ones happy can often turn into the exact opposite.

This guy has a pregnant sister, and when planning the wedding and discussing dates, learned that she wouldn’t be able to attend on one of the days because she would be too close to her own due date to travel.

He felt as if he had to make a choice, because the dates he had floated were the only ones when his best friend could attend.

He chose the best friend.

I’m (27M) getting married later this year. Earlier this year when I finalized the wedding date my sister asked me if I could move the date forward because she would be 39 weeks pregnant and she can’t risk attending the wedding.

That wasn’t possible because my best friend who lives out of country could was only free during those days or he wouldn’t make it so I refused and she said she was fine with it. Me and her were close so I was bummed but it was whatever.

Fast-forward to the planning stage. OP was talking to his sister about details, wanting her thoughts or something, but she wasn’t showing enough interest.

He snapped at her, she replied that she doesn’t see why she should get excited since she can’t attend.

Now, I’m planning my wedding with my fiancée but the thing is my sister doesn’t even show a little bit of excitement for it, she doesn’t even look happy about it doesn’t take interest when I ask her for her opinions. So, I snapped and told her she could at least be happy for me if she isn’t attending the wedding.

She said she doesn’t see why she should be interested, she is happy for me and my fiancée but I can’t expect her to show excitement about a wedding she isn’t even attending.

OP told her it was her choice not to come. She replied it really wasn’t, and he had made the choice to accommodate his best friend instead of her.

He’s shocked she’s so bitter about it (though I’m not really sure why).

So, I told her it was her choice. She replied she has a good excuse not attend but I could’ve moved the wedding ahead a bit specially when the bride had no problem but I didn’t so now I don’t get to be mad.

I was shocked by how bitter she is, I didn’t expect her to hold a grudge she knows how close me and my best friend are.

When OP vented to his fiancee expecting support, she said she understands why the sister would feel that way and basically told OP to get over it.

I vented to my fiancée about the whole thing but she told me I’m TA here and I need to cut my sister some slack because she’s pregnant and I did choose my best friend over her. Now I don’t have any right to be mad.

So, reddit AITA?

Does Reddit agree? Let’s find out!

Basically, yes – they agree with the fiancee.

Image Credit: Reddit

When you look at it from this point of view, it’s hard to argue.

Image Credit: Reddit

No one had to be the jerk here, but the brother had to go the extra mile.

Image Credit: Reddit

Some were feeling a bit down for the sister.

Image Credit: Reddit

I mean…

Image Credit: Reddit

This guy seems like he’s reallllllly caught up in himself. I hope it’s just the wedding that’s doing it.

How would you feel as his sister? Drop your thoughts in the comments!