
Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Not Telling Her Boyfriend She Didn’t Know Sign Language and Embarrassing Him

Well, this woman’s boyfriend sounds like a real treat!

If you couldn’t tell, I’m being sarcastic…

But don’t let me sway your opinion about this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page!

Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think about it in the comments!

AITA for speaking ASL and not telling my BF I know how to sign?

“My (25F) boyfriend (26M) is mad at me currently for not telling him I know ASL and embarrassing him.

I’m by no means fluent but I took beginner classes in University (I study a people facing field and figured it would be helpful). I can get by, I know basic conversational signs and things like how to get around places, locations, etc. It’s enough to be helpful but not maintain a fluent conversation.

We were at a train station and I had gone to the restroom while my boyfriend waited outside. Before I had gone in, I noticed an elderly couple looking at a map and signing. I didn’t think much of it but when I came back out I could see my BF trying to help them.

I could sense some tension/frustration because he doesn’t know ASL and the couple was obviously lost and flustered. The woman started going through her purse for a pad of paper and had to start emptying her bag to get a pen.

I walked up to them and started signing and let them know I could help. They were relieved and I helped them find their correct route and where they needed to go. After the couple walked away my boyfriend got mad and said I embarrassed him by not telling him I know ASL and interfering when he had it handled.

I told him knowing ASL wasn’t a secret, it just never came up. And it wasn’t handled as I could tell he was getting annoyed and the couple was flustered. He says I embarrassed him and showed him up.


And here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.

One person said she’s NTA and that this is a major red flag from the BF.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said this guy seems like a very unpleasant person.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user also said she’s NTA and that his reaction to this was disturbing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot!