
13 People Share the Dark Secrets They’re Hiding From Everyone

We all have secrets.

Some are bigger than others and some have the potential to completely upend lives.

And today we’re going to hear from folks on AskReddit about the dark secrets they’ve been hiding.

Let’s take a look.

1. Awful.

“2 years ago one of my best friends and I went halfsies on a ton of Xanax.

On june 8th we both took Xanax from the batch we split, I woke up, he didn’t.

No one knows I had anything to do with the drugs that k**led him, and I don’t know if I can ever bring myself to tell someone.”

2. Not your proudest moment.

“I had an IBS attack once and had to v**lently s**t in a church grounds behind someone’s car.

Used underwear to wipe too and left that there.

Not proud.”

3. Nightmares.

“My PTSD isn’t getting better. I have nightly nightmares of the industrial accident I was in.

I see my coworker ripping his burnt face off every night. I no longer scream in my sleep because of it. I’m no longer terrified as much by it. Even though I know it’s not my fault I feel an enormous amount of guilt for what happened to him.

Sometimes when I’m not sleeping I’ll hear the scream he made in the distance and it’ll make my blood feel like ice. Therapy hasn’t done much.”

4. Might be haunted…

“My wife, her mom and I bought a house about two years ago.

Just from talking to the neighbors I’d gathered that the family who lived here before had a daughter that was mixed up with the wrong people, we had some random person knock on our door at night saying he needed gas (we are down a long driveway, no way you’d randomly walk up to OUR house to ask for help).

I think he was looking for the people who used to live here, and then another time Sunday morning making pancakes for the family I get a knock on the door and it’s 4 sheriffs officers saying they received a 911 call that hung up and it was from the house, we don’t have a land line and I asured them my wife and 2 year old did not make any call, they mentioned a name of the previous occupants and I let them know we moved in earlier this year and they seemd ok with that and left.

Anyways I was doing some yard work and struck up conversation with the neighbor, he saw the police cars and asked what was up, I told him the situation and he just goes “oh yah that family was messed up, the cops were probably being cautious considering the shooting” what shooting I ask, he kinda looks at me with a sad worried face “the shooting in your house”.

Wait what I say truly baffled, he then proceeds to tell me that about two years before the father in the house confronted his daughter and boyfriend he didn’t like and shot and k**led the boyfriend in the house. Our state doesn’t have a disclosure law so we never knew.

I was blown away, all the strange happenings kinda made sense now, he said the freinds of the victim had kinda terrorized them for a while cause the police were taking so long to press charges, slashed tiers, midnight fireworks odd s**t that the neighbors hated.

I was shocked but just said “that’s crazy, but hey do me a favor and never tell my wife or MIL about that, they are a little spooked by things like that.” So the TRDL is that we live in a m**der house and I’m the only one of my family that knows.”

5. That hurts.

“I found my adoption papers a few years ago when I was looking for a copy of my birth certificate.

I know my birth mom I just never had a relationship with her. My maternal grandmother took me in in 2002, I never knew she adopted me I just knew that one day I ended up living with her after telling her one day I don’t want to go back home.

I also found the letter that my mom wrote as to why she was giving me up. That one really hurt.”

6. Terrible.

“I was m**ested on a cruise ship by an employee when I was 8.

Happened about 30 years ago.”

7. Sad.

“After my fiancé passed, I napped all the time for over a year.

My aunt was calling me one day and I just denied her call, went back to napping. It was my aunt calling because my grandma (who was very sick with cancer) wanted to say happy birthday a day before my birthday.

Grandma d**d the next day. I should have picked up the d**n phone.”

8. Sorry, grandma.

“My grandma was in a car accident and broke her ankle so she stayed at my house and my mom/we took care of her while she recovered.

I was entering puberty at the time and discovered that you could order porn on cable and was like a madman ordering p**n. The bill that month came out to $500 my mom thought it was my grandma because her novellas were on like channel 50-60 and the p**n was 500-600.

I’ve literally never told anyone to this day.”

9. Only you and your brother know.

“My brother and I did a 23 and Me.

We discovered we have a half sibling, same father, who is older than us. I messaged them but no reply.

Since the half sibling is older, it was during my father’s military career (which was short lived because he got a dishonorable discharge that he hides from his family still).”

10. It’s not official.

“My wife and I aren’t officially married. No one knows.

We had a ceremony and everything, reception… the whole nine yards.

We just never did the official paperwork.

We realized that since she’s going back to school, it benefits her financially to go through financial aid as “single” rather than “married.”

When she finishes up, we’re going to head over to town hall and finish the last step.”

11. Jeez…

“In middle school I made a smoking pipe out of copper pipe just for fun. I know you should not s**ke out of copper as the fumes are potentially toxic.

My step-dad took it from me and started using it. He smoked with it for years. I h**ed him for physically a**sing me so I never said anything. It’s now 30 years later and he was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s and likely only has a few years to live.

I hope he rots in hell. I don’t know if it had any effect, but I like to think the copper pipe played a role in his sickness as karma for being an a**hole.”

12. My cousin…

“My cousin r**ed me when I was a kid and to this day I haven’t told anyone about it.

It’s been probably around 25 years ago or so which makes me feel like it’s not worth addressing after so much time.

I absolutely h**ed it when his mom asked me why i didn’t invite him to my wedding. I still don’t know how I should have responded to keep that a secret.”

13. Long lost family.

“My grandpa was stationed in Okinawa, Japan during the Korean war, while in the Marines.

He hooked up with a woman there, and she got pregnant. So, I have a Japanese aunt and a few cousins, in Japan, whom I’ve never met before.”

Are you hiding a dark secret from people?

If so, we’d like to hear from you in the comments.

Thanks in advance!