
What Big Traps Do People Fall Into in Life? Here’s How Folks Responded.

There are some traps you fall into in life that just seem impossible to get out of…

Debt, getting married and having kids when you weren’t ready, addiction, etc.

Hey, no one ever said life is easy, right?

Let’s hear from folks on AskReddit about the big traps that people fall into in life.

1. Don’t do it.

“Caring what others think.

You should to some extent but doing it too much just destroys your self worth and turns you into someone you are not.”

2. A huge trap.

“I work for a credit card company and I came here to say credit.

I speak to people daily in debt they’ll never get out of. And that’s one of their credit cards.”

3. Get out of it!

“Sunk cost fallacy.

Stop staying in situations that make you unhappy!!

Leave! Free yourself!”

4. Truth!

“You have to be your own advocate.

If you think other people will fix the problems you have, you’re gonna have a bad time.”

5. Is it worth it?

“Having an elaborate expensive wedding that does nothing but stress everyone out and bankrupt you.”

6. Start now!


Entrusting yourself to short-term benefits whilst shunning long term goals will only serve to aid your downfall.

The consequences to your actions can’t be avoided forever.”

7. FOMO.

“Fear of missing out (FOMO).

Fear of not measuring up.

Bringing on self-decay due to comparing oneself to others.

Believing that what people show you of themselves is true. It’s rarely ever even close.

Thinking your ‘education’ was complete in HS or college.

Failing to understand that your darkest secret, the one that holds you hostage, with shame, is the same thing everyone else struggles with.

“That which is most personal is most universal.””

8. No one knows what they’re doing.

“Imposter Syndrome.

The cure is eventually realizing no one has a clue.”

9. Avoid at all costs.

“Multi-level marketing.

Someone got me to go to a seminar and the rhetoric was what a lot of people want to hear about themselves for validation.”

10. Fall down and get back up.

“One of the biggest traps in life is not picking yourself up after a failure. Letting yourself go and sinking to the bottom.

Depression will sink in and you’ll start to loose everything. Extremely heartbreaking when you see someone you love to through this. They will stop caring and become suicidal, because they feel there is nothing left to live for.

When in reality they still are alive and that’s all that matters… The world isn’t better with less people; it’s better with people who adjust and live for the better.”

11. Get out while you can.

“Toxic relationships.

People do them to try and “fix” people, but they just end up getting themselves hurt.”

12. Keep it under control.

“Alc**holism and drug abuse.

Eventually getting high stops being fun but you can’t stop because your body is physically dependent on it.

It sucks.”

What traps do you think people fall into in life?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

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